Miami visited Jhavonte Dean today

New interview with Dean on Canesport (TIFWIW) - he says he's still solid to Bama and will go there if they still want him. There are reports that Bama was dropping him so we'll see.

I'd fire Cooney on the spot if he can't get his own **** nephew or cousin or whatever Dean is.

I really hope you dont manage ppl for a living

Because he'd hoid employees that don't perform accountable?

His name is Austin. He's never been held accountable for anything. His mom cuts orange wedges for him and saves his turds in a scrapbook.
So now Dean is begging bama to get in....Lol I thought he was a cane lock???....Somebody needs to interview him ASAP.... find out if Canesport is reporting some bu!!$#i+....
I get it, Canesport has become shaky, but they had direct quotes so unless he's trolling, you have to take his words at face value.
I hope Sperman mistakenly interviewed Jimmy Dean sausage because if that was our Canes lock Dean this is some dirty fck ****. Tied for 2nd with Utah? Oh boy.
Lol like I said Everytime we are told we should be confident we get the Cleveland steamer treatment
Pretty sure every Alabama board expects him to flip to us, and aren't even mad about it at all. I think the only reason they'd want to keep his is because he's their only CB commit. But they are also full court pressing Chris Henderson. This also makes it surprising that some posters here don't want Henderson. If Bama really wants the kid, it's likely he's very good.
Lol y'all are incredible man. Months and years of bull**** from Canesport even Pete losing his cool ripping that site while they always get their info from this site and delete interviews when Pete calls them out and somehow you believe them again. Lol y'all never learn man
We get ****ed if Henderson goes to UF because Dean will still have his spot.
I get it, Canesport has become shaky, but they had direct quotes so unless he's trolling, you have to take his words at face value.

You know they twist "direct" quotes

Keep telling yourself that. No one hates Sperman more than me, but he'd be finished a long time ago if he was making up direct quotes. No one would do an interview with them.