Miami targeting Houston's Zac Etheridge for DB coach

I'm not an X's and O's guy but I do remember Etheridge being a beast on the trail while at Auburn. I thought he would have been a good fit back in 2022 after TRob left.

He's got some legit talent to work with. If he's as good at developing as he is recruiting, this is a money hire.
Yeah, anywhere in the SEC to Big XII also-ran is a step down, but Etheridge was the pass game coordinator UH - so like a co-DC of sorts with him handling the back end.

Also, Freeze is a Grade A douchebag. Etheridge might've said forget working for that guy and hopped on the first train smokin' out of Auburn, Ala.

I know we need a big-time recruiter at the spot. DL's and DB's are the two positions where top prospects really seem to gravitate toward their position coaches when it comes to picking a school
He only became defense pass game coordinator yesterday
Does he have any connection to Hetherman ?

I'm not trying to be a debby downer but we've been down this road before where we hire a couple hot names and it turns out they can't work together.

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