Miami @ Syracuse - 11/30/24

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Every single one of us knew Mcord was going to throw for 500 yards. Well except those who thought holding Wake last week was the turning point
He's a poor QB. I had hope that he'd turn the ball over a couple of times and we'd have a reasonably comfortable win.

As it is it's looking like our last game with Ward.

Ah well.

Syracuse O is 6/9 on 3rd down.

They're less than 50% for the year.

We need to fix that the rest of the game to stay ahead.
Guidry has to be fired - being this bad on defense is inexcusable. He has Miami caliber athletes on defense - being this bad is inexcusable
Please identify those players. Guidry is an atrocity, for sure, but we have FIU caliber players littering our defense.
He’s supposed to be looking at the ball. He did everything right but the offensive player threw him down. That’s offensive PI. Porter had position but he needs to sell the

yeah like 3 offensive PI no calls so far. They are picking on nearly every play with their slots. Holding our D line like crazy too. We are not helping ourselves with the d-ends in the zone coverages. Hasn’t worked once

I know he's supposed to be looking at the ball. Thanks though.
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