Here's more video from another angle. Watching the 2:
Shivers - I think we need to get on him. He's small, but he's compact, and his speed & quickness jump out.
Davis - Ugh. I had concerns about his change of direction skills but these clips confirm it for me.
Davis has 3 runs here:
:43 - He swings his back leg behind his front leg when going to cut. I'll call it a "curtsy" step (or karaoke?) because I'm not sure I've ever seen it before. But is that Wright at :40 who does it too? Is this something they're coaching at Carol City? Seems very odd.
1:27 - He just runs straight, defeated the purpose of the drill. But kind of reaffirms my thought that he's only comfortable as a straight line runner.
1:49 - Ugh. Curtsy steps again then starts running away from the goal line before falling down. Hard to watch. The James Cook run right after is equally as bad.
Bottom line - I'm VERY happy we got Lingard, and I'd say let's take a 3rd RB. I'm all in on going after Shivers. I'm very skeptical of Davis at this point. It's going to take a monster senior year for me to get on board with Davis.