JUCO 2024 Miami Offers 6'5 JUCO WR Leland Smith

Scholarships are year to year so yes you can kick kids off the team unless something has changed with that.

It’s always been year to year. Kids can’t just just say I’ll show up but I suck please keep me so I can get a degree. That’s not how it works. They will be asked to leave/scholarship not renewed
Power 5 scholarships are not year to year. They are 4 year, the rest are annual

$500K is going rate for a starting top 25 WR? Then what's the going rate for an actually Proven WR?
He was our 3rd best WR this yr. Paying him $1k/yard or $100k/TD?
Honestly may prefer to pay him and have had George leave given just how dumb dude is doing anything possible to get 15yard penalties...


AND THE ONLY REASON HE WAS 3RD IN THAT WAS BECAUSE OF MISUSE. **** in 1 game alone i saw 2 or 3 miss td opportunities to this kid.

I thought dude reallyw as leaving for misuse and undestood, these other reasonings were caviats.

To let you know the value they have atw r.....He has been gone...and they have targeted a juco guy....and maybe 2 group of 5 types. They aint spending ANY nil money on wrs, they must of paid George and Restrepo to come back and the incoming guys got a bag


AND THE ONLY REASON HE WAS 3RD IN THAT WAS BECAUSE OF MISUSE. **** in 1 game alone i saw 2 or 3 miss td opportunities to this kid.

I thought dude reallyw as leaving for misuse and undestood, these other reasonings were caviats.

To let you know the value they have atw r.....He has been gone...and they have targeted a juco guy....and maybe 2 group of 5 types. They aint spending ANY nil money on wrs, they must of paid George and Restrepo to come back and the incoming guys got a bag
This. He was the best wr on the team imo
If kids have a 4 year scholarship, you can’t just kick them off the team. You can encourage them to transfer for playing time, but if a player no longer cares about playing time because he shifted his priority and now he wants his degree, then you need to let him stay and get his degree.
The long and short is that it is not always a “choice” for the coaches.

Then their #trusttheevals need to be better if they end up with dead weight players…
Scholarships are year to year so yes you can kick kids off the team unless something has changed with that.

It’s always been year to year. Kids can’t just just say I’ll show up but I suck please keep me so I can get a degree. That’s not how it works. They will be asked to leave/scholarship not renewed
I maybe wrong but my memory is that UM switched to 4 year scholarships under Shalala. A number of schools did this as a way of telling parents that if nothing else, the education part is guaranteed. The exceptions have been for poor academics or off field behavior.
Then their #trusttheevals need to be better if they end up with dead weight players…
Most of the players considered dead weight, guys like:
Washington, Zion, Denis, Sagopolu, Redding, Gore, Campbell, Balom, McCormick. Lou I don't think is a scholly player and we have a lot of guys yet to see the field so not fair to label them dead weight so far but I think if we can theoretically upgrade with 10 or so more portal replacements that would be ideal.


AND THE ONLY REASON HE WAS 3RD IN THAT WAS BECAUSE OF MISUSE. **** in 1 game alone i saw 2 or 3 miss td opportunities to this kid.

I thought dude reallyw as leaving for misuse and undestood, these other reasonings were caviats.

To let you know the value they have atw r.....He has been gone...and they have targeted a juco guy....and maybe 2 group of 5 types. They aint spending ANY nil money on wrs, they must of paid George and Restrepo to come back and the incoming guys got a bag

Imagine the domino effect this would have had on everyone else on roster. You cannot give a kid with that level of production 500K in NIL. And tbh, Yond wasn't the only guy wide open who TVD overlooked. I thought he was good not great.

Personally, I wish they had held onto Skinner and used him flex more often. Maybe his hands are just too bad. But I like that kid a lot.
Most of the players considered dead weight, guys like:
Washington, Zion, Denis, Sagopolu, Redding, Gore, Campbell, Balom, McCormick. Lou I don't think is a scholly player and we have a lot of guys yet to see the field so not fair to label them dead weight so far but I think if we can theoretically upgrade with 10 or so more portal replacements that would be ideal.
I don't love referring to players as dead weight - I don't think anyone really does. But roster management is a great discussion, so there are only a few ways to go about it, lol.
I don't love referring to players as dead weight - I don't think anyone really does. But roster management is a great discussion, so there are only a few ways to go about it, lol.
From what I recall reading at some point guys like Zion, Balom, Washington, Redding are about to graduate so after spring they are likely gone. Not sure how Mario would approach any others who have a limited or non existent future here.
For guys like Denis, Kirk, Sago who transferred in, can Mario even kick them out if he wanted to? Unless they graduate to grad transfer they would have to sit a year to transfer which really screws them. Not sure Mario wants to put kids in that position and create that reputation. Someone more knowledgable please clarify, thanks
For guys like Denis, Kirk, Sago who transferred in, can Mario even kick them out if he wanted to? Unless they graduate to grad transfer they would have to sit a year to transfer which really screws them. Not sure Mario wants to put kids in that position and create that reputation. Someone more knowledgable please clarify, thanks
I think Denis already transferred out. The other two have eligibility so we can't really force them out. If we get Taulia good chance Jacurri or Emory bounce so that's a net neutral. And some other kids may hit the portal post spring who are buried on depth chart. We should ultimately have at minimum 5 spots, with 8-10 portal spots in the best case scenario by fall.
If kids have a 4 year scholarship, you can’t just kick them off the team. You can encourage them to transfer for playing time, but if a player no longer cares about playing time because he shifted his priority and now he wants his degree, then you need to let him stay and get his degree.
The long and short is that it is not always a “choice” for the coaches.

not sure how I feel about that...if a player essentially "quits", meaning he is not ok with being relegated low on the depth charts, getting garbage playing time, doing work on the scout team and no longer wants to do that because he would prefer starting I think the coach and school should have no further obligation to continue him being on scholarship. It seems the initial agreement made between coach/school and player is if you commit to our sports program, we will pay your way through school so you can earn your degree while participating in whatever capacity in the sports program you commit to. It doesn't guarantee playing time.

If a player is disgruntled and wants to leave, with encouragement or not, that is fine. But why should a coach be required to hold on to a disgruntled player who no longer is interested in playing on your team in whatever capacity and letting him stay just to focus on his degree? I don't agree with coaches forcing kids out because they are not starters as long as they are doing their best and contributing to the success of they team, even if being a tackling dummy. As long as the kid is trying I think he has at least honored his commitment to the program and the program should honor its commitment to the student.

If you are getting too many JAGs that is on the coach and his evals. That's not the players fault.


AND THE ONLY REASON HE WAS 3RD IN THAT WAS BECAUSE OF MISUSE. **** in 1 game alone i saw 2 or 3 miss td opportunities to this kid.

I thought dude reallyw as leaving for misuse and undestood, these other reasonings were caviats.

To let you know the value they have atw r.....He has been gone...and they have targeted a juco guy....and maybe 2 group of 5 types. They aint spending ANY nil money on wrs, they must of paid George and Restrepo to come back and the incoming guys got a bag
…and UGA is a place a WR goes to be used correctly? Lol
He was the 2nd WR they brought in in th portal.
Do you thi he got the NIL he was asking for? Dee said he we offered him $350 or $375k can’t remember but he wanted $500k. That isn’t “ain’t spending any nil on WRs”. And we had a massive deal ready for Jeremiah Smith
Are 4-year scholarships actually a thing? I know that years ago they used to have be renewed each year - especially in other sports. I remember there being talk a few years back of making football scholarships four years, but is that the rule?


ALL schollys are one year, renewal at option of the team.

If a kid doesn't play or is moved on because he can't cut it on the field, or gets a career ending injury, then he gets moved to "non-playing" status. In that instance, he doesn't count against the limit but can still stay on scholarship and get his degree. That's where the confusion is over the "1 yr. vs. 4 yr." issue.

There is no right to be on the team for 4 years

ALL schollys are one year, renewal at option of the team.

If a kid doesn't play or is moved on because he can't cut it on the field, or gets a career ending injury, then he gets moved to "non-playing" status. In that instance, he doesn't count against the limit but can still stay on scholarship and get his degree. That's where the confusion is over the "1 yr. vs. 4 yr." issue.

There is no right to be on the team for 4 years
Power 5 football they are guaranteed unless it’s for a non-football related matter.