Miami offers 2018 RB Camron Davis (Carol City)

Is wright also RB for cchs?

Yes for 2019. He is also a sprinter on the track team. Just started running HS track this year and in only three meets posted an 11.22. He is also headed for the national elite standard of 10.80 as is Davis.

Can you expand on Davis' track exploits? I see he was in the mid 11s for the most part as a 10th grader. It's good but it's not the elite status I see many people labeling Davis with.
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Miami offered Cameron Davis today.

Thanks for the post. He has run an official 100m back last March 2016 in 11.06. He was on the 4 x 100 relay ( all footballers) that had the best time at CC since 2000. De'Andre Wilder anchored it.

Johaun Beresford
Camron Davis
Naquan Wright
De'Andre Wilder

what has wilder been running in the 100 lately?
He was the fastest player at Florida Fire 7 on 7 tryout and he's built like Herschel Walker. He got everyone's attention out there.