"first time both teams are relevant in a century"..... Dafuq?
OP has a face for radio.
Lol...both teams haven’t been in the running in over a century. Maybe she meant in this century.
Good job Pete...good info.
That doesn't even work. Miami won it in what, 2001 right?
Not even saying this decade works because Notre Dame played in the natty in 2012.
It literally doesn't make sense any way you try to interpret it.
Inoportune time to join a Canes sight with a name containing Domer bro?!?! :/
(tread lightly)
Its the reason I joined. I'm a Notre Dame fan. I'll probably be out of here until the next game after Saturday. I am trying to tread lightly though. Its more contentious on here than I thought.
You expected a red carpet, you racist POS? Did we sit down and eat dinner with the Germans when they bombed Pearl Harbor? GTFO.