Miami is not recruiting JC Jackson

My thoughts:

He has an "offer" if on track to graduate before summer. If not ...they wont recruit him...simple as that...we need a cb here for the new year if he looks to be a winter graduate ...they dont have the need and he can go elsewhere.....

saying..we arent recruiting basically wrong..since Rumph reached out tp his juco coach..which is "recruiting" him...shaking the leaves..he puts up a nice transcript and gets out of there asap...he should have an offer

My thoughts:

He has an "offer" if on track to graduate before summer. If not ...they wont recruit him...simple as that...we need a cb here for the new year if he looks to be a winter graduate ...they dont have the need and he can go elsewhere.....

saying..we arent recruiting basically wrong..since Rumph reached out tp his juco coach..which is "recruiting" him...shaking the leaves..he puts up a nice transcript and gets out of there asap...he should have an offer
Agree with all of this.
Here is interesting interview with his Mom from when he signed with UF. He goes into details about his relationship with T Rob.

If true then I think Richts past with all the trouble at UGA has him tired of risky kids. **** sucks tho


Coaches hate potential trouble. JJ soured on just Prop 48s because they were potential trouble, just having kids around that were unhappy from not playing. These were not kids with a "past", just an extra potential distraction and were an aggravation for coaches. Butch said "No high maintenance" kids. I doubt he would take Jackson even with an acquittal. Not saying I like it, but that's the way coaches might be thinking. If something does go wrong it's another headache. Jyst trying to see it from Richt's point of view.
Richt had a huge number of arrests at UGA. I doubt he gives two ****s about JCs baggage

He learned from the King of that tawdry ****--Bobby Bowden. Develop a Southern twang, talk about Jesus a lot, and you can do anything you want with a college football program. More arrests? Talk more about the bible. It's simple and very effective.

Richt is from the "bring em all in and kick out the bad ones after they fck up too much" school of thought.

You hit it right on the head. When he was at FSU and UGA i wondered if he always had that southern twang. I wondered if it was genuine. People also forget Richt's own suspension his senior year at UM. I began to dislike Richt while he was at FSU. I now am learning to accept him as HC after he became a Nole and because his disciplinary problem probably cost us the Maryland game in '82.