Miami Flo's Predictions

Currently at 69% after hitting last week's prediction

Sunday 1/8 Show Predictions
  • There will be a couple of transfer portal commitments this week: Results: Hit. Deen and McCormick. Cam clearly committed a while back because Gaby says he's already enrolled. Either way though, both happened w/in the window.
You counted Deen for his 1/2 success AND his 1/8. Either 1/2 or 1/8 is a miss.

Currently at 69% after hitting last week's prediction

Sunday 1/8 Show Predictions
  • There will be a couple of transfer portal commitments this week: Results: Hit. Deen and McCormick. Cam clearly committed a while back because Gaby says he's already enrolled. Either way though, both happened w/in the window.
Didn’t we get a Duke LB too?
There is overlap in the two predictions (i.e. Monday) and they both were plural. At least one more is needed this week to fulfill the 1/8 prediction. I don't remember him specifying portal or HS on 1/2 but he did say portal last night.

You counted Deen for his 1/2 success AND his 1/8. Either 1/2 or 1/8 is a miss.

The Monday show was after a holiday and the prediction window was 1/3-1/9.
The 1/8 Show was on a Sunday and the window was 1/9-/15

Deen committed on 1/9 which was after both shows and within both windows. As I mentioned earlier in the thread and quoted above, there was an overlapping time window of one day where a commit could count for multiple predictions. Its odd, but that's how the predictions were worded.
Didn’t we get a Duke LB too?
Flo included him in the 1/8 prediction last night in the show but wasn't sure at that point if he was PWO. I didn't include him in the 1/8 prediction list because he was a PWO.
The Monday show was after a holiday and the prediction window was 1/3-1/9.
The 1/8 Show was on a Sunday and the window was 1/9-/15

Deen committed on 1/9 which was after both shows and within both windows. As I mentioned earlier in the thread and quoted above, there was an overlapping time window of one day where a commit could count for multiple predictions. Its odd, but that's how the predictions were worded.
If we/you are counting things like that as wins, it's further evidence of how worthless these predictions are in the first instance.
If we/you are counting things like that as wins, it's further evidence of how worthless these predictions are in the first instance.
You have a point here. I may need to amend the criteria to not allow double dipping on the same commit for future predictions. Can't retroactively change the rules though.
At 71% now (10/14)

Friday 1/13 Canes Chat
  • Flo says he'll be shocked if there isn't coaching change news within the next six days (later on, adjusted to the week/week and half). Results: Hit. Ponce went back to APSU to be OC.
@No_Fly_Zone, criteria has been updated going forward

4. Multiple predictions can't include the same commit but with different time durations. If that happens, its a push.
Saturday 1/21 Show Predictions
  • At least 1-2 portal commits by this Tuesday
  • Iowa corner committing on Monday, would be very surprised if he's not a Cane.

This didn't qualify for the prediction criteria but there's rumors going around that a 24 commit could happen this weekend.

Edit: there are overlaps in the portal predictions. As discussed earlier, the same recruit can't count for multiple predictions and will result in a push for one of the predictions (if it happens). However, sure sounds like multiple are on the verge of going public.
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Currently at 73% after the Roberts commit (11/15)
  • Sunday 1/15 Show Predictions
    • Flo says we're going to get a least one more commit from the portal in the next week. Results: Push. Roberts enrolled last week BUT he's covered by the 1/21 prediction.
  • Saturday 1/21 Flo Motion Show Predictions
    • At least 1-2 portal commits by this Tuesday
    • Iowa corner committing on Monday, would be very surprised if he's not a Cane. Results: Hit

He wasn't very precise with the dates on the first one. I'm not sure it meets the criteria for a prediction, but interesting nonetheless. Regarding the second one, not likely to be Harbor, he's not positive on that after the Oregon visit.
  • Sunday 1/29 Sunday Show Predictions
    • Flo believes the OC has already been hired. Thinks news may start leaking out at the end of the week
    • There will be one signing day surprise for Miami.
He wasn't very precise with the dates on the first one. I'm not sure it meets the criteria for a prediction, but interesting nonetheless. Regarding the second one, not likely to be Harbor, he's not positive on that after the Oregon visit.
  • Sunday 1/29 Sunday Show Predictions
    • Flo believes the OC has already been hired. Thinks news may start leaking out at the end of the week
    • There will be one signing day surprise for Miami.

At this point, I'd say any blue chip signing on NSD would qualify as a signing day surprise. Considering Mario's history, I wouldn't bet against it.

The OC stuff will likely never be confirmed one way or another.
I mean the QB prospect confirmed the OC will be this week so he’s not really going out on a limb. I’d expect by Friday someone is hired also especially if it’s going to be Arroyo which is who I am assuming it will be.