Miami Flo's Predictions

Someone again explain to me why Ferentz demotes his kid for Gattis?

Has he just been underperforming that badly there?

TLDR answer; Yes

Longer version in this article below.

And so, if SRS is to be considered the metric by which we label the “worst teams of all time”, 2022 Iowa has a worse total offense than one of the worst teams in college football/Big Ten history
In short, 2022 Iowa is one of the worst offenses Iowa has ever fielded


TLDR answer; Yes

Longer version in this article below.

And so, if SRS is to be considered the metric by which we label the “worst teams of all time”, 2022 Iowa has a worse total offense than one of the worst teams in college football/Big Ten history
In short, 2022 Iowa is one of the worst offenses Iowa has ever fielded


Thanks for that. Still skeptical he would make the change for a guy that also just had a historically bad offense but makes more sense that he would actually switch
They'd still vomit in circles if they have our offense.
Reaction GIF
We were a lot better than Iowa on offense. They'd be thrilled to be 85th in total O vs 130th.
You say that like Iowa doesn’t have higher expectations as a program

That’s nonsense

Priority one is offloading Gattis on some unsuspecting victim for any reason or rationale. They are desperate for anything at this point and some are excited about a potential Gattis return to the B10. In a couple years, reality will hit them hard and they'll have buyers remorse, but until then, win/win for both programs.

Hopefully, the Iowa AD doesn't read CIS cause that would end the infatuation with Gattis quickly.
Priority one is offloading Gattis on some unsuspecting victim for any reason or rationale. They are desperate for anything at this point and some are excited about a potential Gattis return to the B10. In a couple years, reality will hit them hard and they'll have buyers remorse, but until then, win/win for both programs.

Hopefully, the Iowa AD doesn't read CIS cause that would end the infatuation with Gattis quickly.
I hear ya about offloading him but same time Iowa has been a better program than us for over a decade

It’s not like they aren’t invested in their program
I hear ya about offloading him but same time Iowa has been a better program than us for over a decade

It’s not like they aren’t invested in their program
I think there's a belief that he will be a decent/good B10 OC. Iowa does produce good OL/TEs and that's what Gattis needs to succeed. But yea, their goals are loftier than decent/good.
I think there's a belief that he will be a decent/good B10 OC. Iowa does produce good OL/TEs and that's what Gattis needs to succeed. But yea, their goals are loftier than decent/good.
I’m with ya there for sure he would be a better fit there
This thread on the Iowa forums is VERY interesting. Although Iowa has won a ton of games, their offensive production is putrid. Believe it or not, Gattis performance last year actually would be better than not only their average year but their best year unless you go back to the early 2000s. I think I may need to amend my views after reading the Iowa forums.

You can spin it however you like, the facts don't lie. The Iowa O has had 3 good years and they were under KOK. The were 2002, 2005 and 2006 and ranked 13, 22 and 27 respectfully. The balance of the years are an average O rating of 90th in the nation. Under BF, his O rating has an average of 104 with 88th being the best.

He has failed and an OC and frankly KF has failed to field an average offense during his entire tenure. If he had placed a bit more emphasis on offensive creativity and production, lord knows where this team could have gone given some the Parker defenses that have hit the field.
This thread on the Iowa forums is VERY interesting. Although Iowa has won a ton of games, their offensive production is putrid. Believe it or not, Gattis performance last year actually would be better than not only their average year but their best year unless you go back to the early 2000s. I think I may need to amend my views after reading the Iowa forums.

You can spin it however you like, the facts don't lie. The Iowa O has had 3 good years and they were under KOK. The were 2002, 2005 and 2006 and ranked 13, 22 and 27 respectfully. The balance of the years are an average O rating of 90th in the nation. Under BF, his O rating has an average of 104 with 88th being the best.

He has failed and an OC and frankly KF has failed to field an average offense during his entire tenure. If he had placed a bit more emphasis on offensive creativity and production, lord knows where this team could have gone given some the Parker defenses that have hit the field.
Who is KOK??

Aroused Grocery Store GIF by Travis