Miami Flo's Predictions

This thread is a FLO prediction thread. He didn’t predict jack ****.
Shooting Pew Pew GIF

Tizzle - you came out guns blazing. Good morning!!!


I had forgotten that I said I'd update the OP at the end of August.

Currently at a 38% hit rate

Flo predicted 6-8 weeks ago that that 2024 recruits were going to make a huge statement at the BBQ.
  • Results: Miss.
Flo predicted last week that DT recruiting will heat up like an inferno in the next 2-3 weeks.
  • Results Miss.

Flo predicted that the UF shenanigans only delayed things, the 24 recruits are still going to make a statement within the next few weeks.
  • Results Miss.
I had forgotten that I said I'd update the OP at the end of August.

Currently at a 38% hit rate

Flo predicted 6-8 weeks ago that that 2024 recruits were going to make a huge statement at the BBQ.
  • Results: Miss.
Flo predicted last week that DT recruiting will heat up like an inferno in the next 2-3 weeks.
  • Results Miss.

Flo predicted that the UF shenanigans only delayed things, the 24 recruits are still going to make a statement within the next few weeks.
  • Results Miss.
One thing I can always count on CIS to have...
basketball wives shade GIF by Robert E Blackmon
I had forgotten that I said I'd update the OP at the end of August.

Currently at a 38% hit rate

Flo predicted 6-8 weeks ago that that 2024 recruits were going to make a huge statement at the BBQ.
  • Results: Miss.
Flo predicted last week that DT recruiting will heat up like an inferno in the next 2-3 weeks.
  • Results Miss.

Flo predicted that the UF shenanigans only delayed things, the 24 recruits are still going to make a statement within the next few weeks.
  • Results Miss.
I still think things are going to happen. Timeline is just off as the team and just teams in general concentrate now on the season. The targets haven’t committed elsewhere.

Likely more towards beginning of October with some of the moves is my guess especially if we are able to beat T8&4 and Middle Tenn and go into the bye week 4-0. That Bye week could turn into something nice for us recruiting wise.

Even 3-1 with a good showing at T8&4 will be ok but not ideal. Flo, @MaxKesselhaut and the rest of the Flo crew are still pretty plugged in. Just quiet on all fronts now.
I had forgotten that I said I'd update the OP at the end of August.

Currently at a 38% hit rate

Flo predicted 6-8 weeks ago that that 2024 recruits were going to make a huge statement at the BBQ.
  • Results: Miss.
Flo predicted last week that DT recruiting will heat up like an inferno in the next 2-3 weeks.
  • Results Miss.

Flo predicted that the UF shenanigans only delayed things, the 24 recruits are still going to make a statement within the next few weeks.
  • Results Miss.

It is much easier to have a higher hit rate in the recruiting world when your predictions aren't on any sort of timeline.
But 38% accuracy is poor performance any way you slice it. We have insiders on CIS that do this as a total hobby doing much better than that (and even they still occasionally get disrespected/challenged by porsters).

All that said, got dang I am curious what Flo did to @P-Tizzle to cause this level of animosity. Like, did this dude drop a stack of bibles on P-T after Sunday school growing up, or commit some other dastardly act against him? Because just skimming through the thread, probably close to 10% of all posts here are P-T coming off the top rope on Flo.

I get it, we should hold people accountable... but P-T is trying to hold Flo under water!
It is much easier to have a higher hit rate in the recruiting world when your predictions aren't on any sort of timeline.
But 38% accuracy is poor performance any way you slice it. We have insiders on CIS that do this as a total hobby doing much better than that (and even they still occasionally get disrespected/challenged by porsters).

All that said, got dang I am curious what Flo did to @P-Tizzle to cause this level of animosity. Like, did this dude drop a stack of bibles on P-T after Sunday school growing up, or commit some other dastardly act against him? Because just skimming through the thread, probably close to 10% of all posts here are P-T coming off the top rope on Flo.

I get it, we should hold people accountable... but P-T is trying to hold Flo under water!
I'm sorry, brother. In my profession, content is taken serious. A man's word should be trustworthy. But, I apologize, most of my comments were uncalled for.
I'm sorry, brother. In my profession, content is taken serious. A man's word should be trustworthy. But, I apologize, most of my comments were uncalled for.

That's fair, and no apologies needed.
My perspective probably isn't typical on this stuff, anyway. Whether it's Fox News, the New York Times, or Miami Flo, I consider it all just "entertainment industry" and "journalism" an imaginary concept.