Miami Doesn't Rank in Top 25 in Estimated NIL Operating Budget

There are some pretty good estimates here of our ranking. Other comments expose their lack of inside info. Anyone should know we don’t give out our financial info as a private school. From my info, we are well within the top 10 of this list.
Once again I ask how do so many of you spend so much time here and never learn one ******* thing especially in things that repeatedly come up
(Like public is disclosed and private is not)
The official Collective nil numbers are also not all the NIL kids at schools get. It does not have to go to the collective first
the Oregon number is laughable, especially when you consider the infrastructure investment. Until this year, Miami was top 5, if not top 3.

I think Lifewallet’s business model (Ruiz) was heavily based on recovery of Medicare fraud/overpayments. Would be interesting if Lifewallet is a big winner with DOGE and we see a sizable increase in NIL from them.
That article has no idea what they are talking about and just pulling numbers out of their ***.