Miami didn't skate. We won.


I believe this video game came out at the same time this investigation started.

T&C Surf Design! Rep for you my friend!!!

Here is another blast from the past.

yo Nevin Shaprio....................................................................... :nelsonhaha:
****, I wrote this in another thread, but I think, I hope, that this shows just how toothless the "9 scholarship reduction" was.

Ok, I THINK I understand this. Bear with me.

USC etc got reductions, but they were not only against the 85 cap but per class as well. THAT is the thing that really hamstrings a program. You can't oversign to make up for attrition.

Staying at a cap against the 85 isn't a big deal. Its when you need a class of 28 kids and you can only sign 16 because you are limited to a specifically smaller class that year. USC was limited to SPECIFIC class sizes of something like 15/15/15.

From what it appears, we do NOT have any class restrictions! It isn't noted anywhere. I THINK, we're just held to 82. Note this specific line:

3. Reduction in Athletics Awards. The total number of athletically related
financial aid awards in football shall be reduced by a combined total of nine
during the 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 academic years. The institution shall
reduce the total number of athletics awards during each academic year. The
institution has the option of assigning the reductions during those years.

That bolded "option" at the end, signals to me that all we have to do is stay at 82. NO SPECIFIC CLASS REDUCTIONS.

If we were limited to 22/22/22 over three years, we'd end up playing down at 72 or so in the end, not 82. The attrition in that 22/22/22 case would be cumulative because you are continuously prevented from oversigning to make up for smaller classes and lost kids. It would have hurt and hamstrung us even after it was all over, as USC will be ****ed for the next few years.

Guys, we, and may other schools play below the cap all the time. Its hard to get it perfect. If I am interpreting this correctly, these reductions are practically just for show. We got off.

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Nothing can make up for us missing out on The I can't believe its not butter bowl and the Liquid Drano bowl over the last two years.

But I guess this will have to do
Gat **** I hope that's accurate, bomb.

I THINK its even better than that, homie.

For example, USC is near 55 right now, even though they are allowed to be at 75. That's how crippling specific class size restrictions are. They needed a LOT more than 15 kids each year to get to 75, but were capped at 15 over and over. That's why I am explaining that 22/22/22 would have been far more crippling for us than just the 9 with "The institution has the option of assigning the reductions during those years." We would have ended up down at 72 in 3 years, not 82. Because we just wouldn't have been able to add enough kids.

Guys, we truly skated. Lets say that with ZERO reductions, we would have ended up with rosters of 83, 84, and 83 over the next three years, just being careful not to mis-manage the roster. That's normal. A kid gets gets hurt too late to add a kid, etc. We're rarely at 85, if ever. We really are going to only lose 4 kids in my example. Not 9. What it basically means is that we will lose a couple of kids at the bottom of the classes that we were on the fence about giving rides to anyway, and a couple of walk ons that would have been awarded the final spot or two on the team as a thank you won't get it.

Make sense?

WE. ******* SKATED. The NCAA gave us a toothless scholarship reduction.

I am almost more concerned with that fact that we can only give recruits tickets to one home game a year, LOL.
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Two and half years ago, the NCAA declared war on Miami.

Since that time, nine key members of the NCAA’s Enforcement Team have been fired or fled in shame. Mark Emmert has become one of the most reviled and mocked figures in sports. The team of misfits that investigated Miami is in shambles.

All the while, Miami is ranked in the top seven and preparing for a glorious future.

The Canes didn’t just skate. It slayed. NCAA Enforcement, as we once knew it, is dead. Long live the U.

Not just a win, this is an epic victory.

Like most people, when I first read that yahoo article my first reaction was, "oh Shiit. If even 10% is true we are dead."

Yes we self imposed. But honestly, I don't get hyped over going to some crap bowl in mid December.
Our real sanction was getting screwed in recruiting the past 3 years.

Now we are free.

Like being on death row and then being freed with a winning powerball ticket in one hand and Scarlett Johannsen on her knees blowing you.