"Miami closer to Duke than Bama"

It's been a slow process, but we're beginning to have the funds to compete and that's due in large part to what Shalala did. So to blame her as a reason for not spending money is completely asinine.


We didn't start using the internet to fundraise till 2013, but Shalala was the catalyst for increased revenue for the football team?...man STFU.

Interesting that you deleted the facts from my post and then cited internet fundraising as to why we've been behind Alabama and LSU. You can believe whatever the **** you want. Scapegoats make things easy and allow you to ignore the facts. Go along with Kyrie Irving and believe the world is flat, it doesn't change the facts.

Yes because we hadn't switched to a more profitable conference, a more profitable stadium, and a more profitable apparel company under previous leadership. Frenk came in with his magic money trees and just started making it rain. You are so dense.
Look I'm not even looking to argue, just trying to turn a new leaf on the website. I stated that we have been spending more money which is great

We are spending more money because we have more money. This University doesn't have the boosters backing the program like many of the other prominent programs in college football. It's been a slow process, but we're beginning to have the funds to compete and that's due in large part to what Shalala did. So to blame her as a reason for not spending money is completely asinine. If you don't want to argue, don't aimlessly accuse people of being the problem when they were a huge part of the solution.

Shalala was a massive albatross on Athletics and her handling of the Medical School was a ****ing mess.

Dont kid yourself. She was on her way out whether she liked it or not.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

When someone provides facts and a coherent argument, the proper way to counter is by doing the same.

Except that he did. She overpaid for a facility that HCA could not wait to get rid of. Prior to that, she overpaid to bring in Goldschmidt to run the med school. He was since run off following his state of the facility address during which a significant number of faculty staged a walk-out and a failed tenure. In her grand plan, she failed to think of the fact that it may cause serious issues to have a separate and competing facility from Jackson, where a number of our medical school students trained. So in this part of the plan, the more "profitable" patients were funneled to UHealth, which caused Jackson to lose money. So yes, Shalala did ***** up the medical school, as well as the largest public hospital in Miami-Dade county.

UM med school?s big ambitions led to big layoffs | Miami Herald
Goldschmidt confronts angry UM medical school faculty | Miami Herald
Look I'm not even looking to argue, just trying to turn a new leaf on the website. I stated that we have been spending more money which is great

We are spending more money because we have more money. This University doesn't have the boosters backing the program like many of the other prominent programs in college football. It's been a slow process, but we're beginning to have the funds to compete and that's due in large part to what Shalala did. So to blame her as a reason for not spending money is completely asinine. If you don't want to argue, don't aimlessly accuse people of being the problem when they were a huge part of the solution.

Shalala was a massive albatross on Athletics and her handling of the Medical School was a ****ing mess.

Dont kid yourself. She was on her way out whether she liked it or not.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

When someone provides facts and a coherent argument, the proper way to counter is by doing the same.

Except that he did. She overpaid for a facility that HCA could not wait to get rid of. Prior to that, she overpaid to bring in Goldschmidt to run the med school. He was since run off following his state of the facility address during which a significant number of faculty staged a walk-out and a failed tenure. In her grand plan, she failed to think of the fact that it may cause serious issues to have a separate and competing facility from Jackson, where a number of our medical school students trained. So in this part of the plan, the more "profitable" patients were funneled to UHealth, which caused Jackson to lose money. So yes, Shalala did ***** up the medical school, as well as the largest public hospital in Miami-Dade county.

UM med school?s big ambitions led to big layoffs | Miami Herald
Goldschmidt confronts angry UM medical school faculty | Miami Herald

He didn't, you did. That being said, I'm not here to defend how she handled the medical school because I agree she messed it up. The money was raised for the medical school, it was never going to go to athletics.
Did he have to get permission from his ol lady to to do that interview, since she apparently wears the pants in that household (allegedly)?

We should just call him gator dad from now on.

Who was the kid his wife made him stop training bc he was going to UM?

Wait, wut?
That's funny and pathetic if true.
Y'all boys really dont think OP is either Chad or has some sort of relationship with Chad? This dude had the audacity to come on here and post his podcast on our crootin board.... cmon mane.. yall boys slow. Dude been on the crootin board since 2012 with over 1000 posts...No way in **** OP didn't know why we dont like Chad..

Bruh you're still on this. I am not associated with nor do I know Chad. I clearly said I didn't understand the hate for a former Cane since all I saw from him was random interactions with fans on Twitter. I honestly thought the majority of our fans were mad at him because he pushed his sons to UF; I didn't know that he had such a negative view of the program.

LMAO at me being Chad. Why would he spend majority of his time on a site dedicated to a school that he talks sh** about?
Y'all boys really dont think OP is either Chad or has some sort of relationship with Chad? This dude had the audacity to come on here and post his podcast on our crootin board.... cmon mane.. yall boys slow. Dude been on the crootin board since 2012 with over 1000 posts...No way in **** OP didn't know why we dont like Chad..

Bruh you're still on this. I am not associated with nor do I know Chad. I clearly said I didn't understand the hate for a former Cane since all I saw from him was random interactions with fans on Twitter. I honestly thought the majority of our fans were mad at him because he pushed his sons to UF; I didn't know that he had such a negative view of the program.

LMAO at me being Chad. Why would he spend majority of his time on a site dedicated to a school that he talks sh** about?

Chad is one of the trolls probably
Chad Wilson is a traitor simple as that. Safe to say we know who Herbert was talking about in Petes podcast when he said "people" talk down on Miami