I will never hear the name Jahvid Best and not remember when he got the actual puke knocked out of him
I think the vomit emoji should be renamed in honor of Best. Wow.
I will never hear the name Jahvid Best and not remember when he got the actual puke knocked out of him
JesusHe had a few big games in the NFL. I remembered some really weird statement about him but couldnt put my finger on it. His wiki page refreshed my memory and my contribution to this thread is as follows:
After being selected at #30 overall,, Lions head coach Jim Schwartz said, "Some people watch adult videos on their computer... I go to YouTube and watch Jahvid Best highlight clips. That’s what gets me aroused."
Good thing @Confidence1000 wasnt lurking back then....
If my choices were a kick in the balls or reading this thread again, I would put on a cup.