Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

He’s like 4’9 bruh


I was hoping for kevin smith but I was expecting T rob. got neither

I think kevin smith signals briles but that's just reading the tea leaves
That man hired Chan Gailey and George Godsey to be his play callers in two straight offseasons. Can’t find a OL coach to save his life either. He coulda been a canes HC the last 15 years with that resume.
And still put a competitive product on the field despite that and holes in the roster. Grier is the one who should have been fired
Mario is playing Chess not Checkers here. This was a big drop right before the NC game. Now all game the announcers will be talking about Eaton being the new Asst SC coach at Miami. Free publicity all game. I heard they even have an entire half time story dedicated to talking about the relation between Eaton dorms and Jeff Eaton
Mario is playing Chess not Checkers here. This was a big drop right before the NC game. Now all game the announcers will be talking about Eaton being the new Asst SC coach at Miami. Free publicity all game. I heard they even have an entire half time story dedicated to talking about the relation between Eaton dorms and Jeff Eaton
We’re all growing impatient this is hilarious though
And still put a competitive product on the field despite that and holes in the roster. Grier is the one who should have been fired
So you’re giving him credit for overcoming his own bad hires? How does that make any sense? You slash your own tires but find a way to make it home from work in your car. Should you be getting credit for overcoming adversity you caused yourself? If the man could hire a competent offensive staff he would’ve made the playoffs a couple times. Oh and his defense gave up 31.4 PPG in 8 losses this year. He definitely deserved to get fired.