Member Butch Davis leaving Miami for Cleveland?

Miami got better when Paul Davis left.

UNC got better when Paul Davis left.

He is washed up and overrated. Deal with it.

ESPN and SiriusXM got better too.

How bout Cleveland?
They didn't fire him for doing a great job. Cleveland is pretty much the same as when they ran him out of town. Congratulations, Butchbots! Cleveland remained a toilet.

Wasn't he having panic attacks during his time in Cleveland?

He was. At least he won't suffer those attacks coaching for the Freckled Panthers because the only people who will be paying attention are UM fans.

Say what you will, but Butch's Pollo Tropical commercials were gold and his Hurricanes Hotline shows were memorable when the fans had had enough of him in 97 and 98. I will listen to his FIU show because I can't wait to hear the excuses and tap dancing.
Will we be able to pick up the signal from across the ocean? His shows on QAM were priceless while he was floundering around losing 4+ per year. His first year will be spent telling the two hundred Freckled Panther fans how bad Turner left the program.

I'll never forget the time Johnny from Miami called and asked Butch what effect Howard Stern would have on the Canes that week. Gold!
Say what you will, but Butch's Pollo Tropical commercials were gold and his Hurricanes Hotline shows were memorable when the fans had had enough of him in 97 and 98. I will listen to his FIU show because I can't wait to hear the excuses and tap dancing.
Will we be able to pick up the signal from across the ocean? His shows on QAM were priceless while he was floundering around losing 4+ per year. His first year will be spent telling the two hundred Freckled Panther fans how bad Turner left the program.

I'll never forget the time Johnny from Miami called and asked Butch what effect Howard Stern would have on the Canes that week. Gold!
I actually remember that too because Johnny was a perpetual thorn in David's side. He called him out on his lame excuses every week. Then, they'd hang up on Johnny and disparage his sexuality.
Say what you will, but Butch's Pollo Tropical commercials were gold and his Hurricanes Hotline shows were memorable when the fans had had enough of him in 97 and 98. I will listen to his FIU show because I can't wait to hear the excuses and tap dancing.
Will we be able to pick up the signal from across the ocean? His shows on QAM were priceless while he was floundering around losing 4+ per year. His first year will be spent telling the two hundred Freckled Panther fans how bad Turner left the program.

I'll never forget the time Johnny from Miami called and asked Butch what effect Howard Stern would have on the Canes that week. Gold!
I actually remember that too because Johnny was a perpetual thorn in David's side. He called him out on his lame excuses every week. Then, they'd hang up on Johnny and disparage his sexuality.

And then young Johnny celebrated when we won our last title right? 2001? Butch's team.
Say what you will, but Butch's Pollo Tropical commercials were gold and his Hurricanes Hotline shows were memorable when the fans had had enough of him in 97 and 98. I will listen to his FIU show because I can't wait to hear the excuses and tap dancing.
Will we be able to pick up the signal from across the ocean? His shows on QAM were priceless while he was floundering around losing 4+ per year. His first year will be spent telling the two hundred Freckled Panther fans how bad Turner left the program.

I'll never forget the time Johnny from Miami called and asked Butch what effect Howard Stern would have on the Canes that week. Gold!
I actually remember that too because Johnny was a perpetual thorn in David's side. He called him out on his lame excuses every week. Then, they'd hang up on Johnny and disparage his sexuality.

And then young Johnny celebrated when we won our last title right? 2001? Butch's team.

I'm sure Johnny was astute enough to know your hero wasn't the UM coach in 2001. He was a hardcore UM fan.
Lol Butch Davis bails on UM for the Browns (dead) then ends up on 30 for 30 begging to come back lmao
Will we be able to pick up the signal from across the ocean? His shows on QAM were priceless while he was floundering around losing 4+ per year. His first year will be spent telling the two hundred Freckled Panther fans how bad Turner left the program.

I'll never forget the time Johnny from Miami called and asked Butch what effect Howard Stern would have on the Canes that week. Gold!
I actually remember that too because Johnny was a perpetual thorn in David's side. He called him out on his lame excuses every week. Then, they'd hang up on Johnny and disparage his sexuality.

And then young Johnny celebrated when we won our last title right? 2001? Butch's team.

I'm sure Johnny was astute enough to know your hero wasn't the UM coach in 2001. He was a hardcore UM fan.

Real hardcore UM fans actually appreciate what Bigly Davis did for us.

Carry on with the torches and pitchforks though.
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Can we just create a massive Butch thread where all discussion about him is merged?

Does any fanbase talk so much about a guy who last coached the team in 2000? There isn't half as much discussion about Shannon on here and he was last coach 6 years ago not 16.

I know that stuff happened a long time ago but seeing the actual date of the posts makes it feel much longer.. Fug I'm old.. I miss my mid twenties

Young kid. It makes me remember Howard leaving -- I was 30.

I remember when Charley Tate quit during the season.

Oh Lord, me too. Even if I had just graduated HS then, it still makes me old. Guess you are too.

Yep. It's been quite a ride. I laugh at all the children here. Whiney and spoiled, complaining about everything. I've seen the program in the toilet before, much worse than the recent slide, which I think we will overcome. Why aren't the kids on here out closing traffic over Trump, having crying drages, demanding safe spaces, so the Mods can bring in coloring books, hot chocolate and therapy puppies.

Oh, sorry. I guess I committed a microaggression.

By the way, I'm older than you...I was in college when Jolly Cholly had enough and walked out on the program. That's when the ten-year mess started.
Member Butch Davis leaving Miami for Cleveland?

Here's a little blast from the present.

Davis went 51-20 at Miami from 1995 to 2000, taking over a program decimated by sanctions and scholarship losses and turning it into one that would dominate its way to the 2001 national title. Davis was with the Browns when that title was won, taking them to the playoffs in 2002 — the last appearance in the postseason for that franchise.

Read more here: 'Why not us?': Butch Davis tells FIU to start thinking big | The Herald

Let's hang our hat on a big fat L in the playoffs.

Yes...lets pretend that being the last coach to take a putrid franchise to the playoffs is common....Only coach i know that has coached a franchise to the playoffs only for that team to suck again when they leave is Nick Saban and the Dolphins. But you guys hate it when we compare anyone to Nick Satan...

If butch was this coaching God, why did he land in FIU?
I'll never forget the time Johnny from Miami called and asked Butch what effect Howard Stern would have on the Canes that week. Gold!
I actually remember that too because Johnny was a perpetual thorn in David's side. He called him out on his lame excuses every week. Then, they'd hang up on Johnny and disparage his sexuality.

And then young Johnny celebrated when we won our last title right? 2001? Butch's team.

I'm sure Johnny was astute enough to know your hero wasn't the UM coach in 2001. He was a hardcore UM fan.

Real hardcore UM fans actually appreciate what Bigly Davis did for us.

Carry on with the torches and pitchforks though.

Since you seem to be the type to dig through Butch's trash to find his next move, is he still checking the mail for his national championship ring?