Marquise Lightfoot commits to Miami (calm down he’s not in portal)


Welcome To The U Beast! Now the train is gonna start leaving its tracks. This is why I wrote that long *** post about doing whatever needed to be done to land a cat like this. Momentum has shifted and now even the twitter troll jokes are lame AF. By the end of the week they will be scared.
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You just had to add the if he sticks part.

Kindly f^ck off and stop moping for once
If you read anything, anywhere else, you would possibly learn that OSU still feels he is theirs if they want him……..
……..that and you guys talk about “flipping” guys all the time. So, there is that.

But, you are right we needed someone big to help push us out of the mud we were stuck in.
Silently, “The commotion on South Brach” is shaping 2020’s style…LFG!!!
They must be recording from inside the hs or something can’t hardly see anything…. That said what I did see looked real nice, killed a couple dudes on special teams too which is encouraging
If you read anything, anywhere else, you would possibly learn that OSU still feels he is theirs if they want him……..
……..that and you guys talk about “flipping” guys all the time. So, there is that.

But, you are right we needed someone big to help push us out of the mud we were stuck in.
Sure. OSU doesnt want a top 67 composite player. SMH