2027 Mark Matthews OL from STA


3. OT Mark Matthews (2027)​

Mark Matthews turned in a breakout showing at Under Miami. Looking to be around 6-foot-6, Matthews has a tall, lean frame and moved at a level that no other offensive lineman on hand could come close to matching. The twitchy movements were apparent early on during drills. Matthews was bouncy and explosive and changed directions with ease. He was also the top offensive lineman in 1-on-1’s, trading reps with Jake Kreul and other talented pass rushers. We were most impressed with Matthews’ ability to recover along with his impressive base and core strength despite being just 15 years old. He’s played on both sides of the ball at Fort Lauderdale (Fla.) St. Thomas Aquinas and brings defensive line-level athleticism within an offensive lineman’s frame. Don’t be surprised if Matthews stacks up as a national recruit in future 2027 rankings.
D$ in the UA Next Wrap up

2027 OT Mark Matthews (St. Thomas Aquinas) looks like a future blue-chipper. He's still thin up top, but has a good frame and is young. True tackle traits.
