Mario vs Utah Round 2

You like what you see tonight? This is who Mario is. He's getting curb stomped by a less talented team, again. Why? Because he's a recruiter, not a good coach. Is that what the **** you want here?

For Christ sake, Manny Diaz and Miami would have put up a better fight against Utah than Mario and his dead ducks.
Mario better be announced as HC tomorrow morning and along with him, about 3/4 of his staff. I need some reassurance that he was doing other things than getting his team ready for this game. Bc if not, woo buddy....
when Mario flips a handful of a studs over the next month, you guys will realize he was checked out.

You mean kids committed elsewhere flipping to Miami or kids committed to Oregon and flip to Miami? And how would either mean he’s been checked out?
Those cali kids and the rest of the 4/5 stars oregon gets look soft af this is ridiculous. This does not look like the same team that beat Ohio State. I'm a Mario guy but ****. All game it has felt like the team knew this Brown guy was trash and gave up on him, but for whatever reason he is still in the game