Coaching Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose, Monday 10/10

We have enough talent to win, but not enough to blow teams out is how I perceived his comments.

As far as the comments about “mistakes,” it’s the coaching staff’s job to minimize those. We shouldn’t be seeing blown coverages anymore — simple as that. Get that crap fixed. Teams are going to score on this defense no matter what, but we can’t keep making it so easy.

The reason we lost the A&M and UNC games is because they made us work for everything. It was classic bend, don’t break. I can just hear those coaching staffs now, “who cares how many first downs they get, eventually they will make a mistake because that’s what UM does!” We did exactly what they expected by prolonging those drives — the Rooster fumble, dropped passes, WRs falling down out of their break, etc.
He simply said we dont have enough talent to make mistakes and still win big. He isn't wrong.
He apparently didn’t have enough talent to win big last year at oregon either, because they had a lot of close wins. Close games isn’t new for him, Only difference is we aren’t Winning them
Good responses by Mario. This season is and will continue to be a grind and our record won't be pretty. Let's hope our recruiting class stays together. Wake me up in Sept 2024
If you have been paying attention I have said its about the plays you dont make. Mario just said every game comes down to 3-5- or 8 plays. If Miami against A&M or UNC makes 3 more plays they did not make they win both games. Maybe its more than 3 against MTSU but take away the 2 INT's and the fumble on the first 3 series (17 points) and Miami wins that game. What do the top teams have? Playmakers. Some of it is coaching. Throwing the 3 yard pass to Skinner you put him in a position to fail. You had to stop the clock there. A play not made!!
^Not what I said.
There was an entire interview about the entire program, yet the only thing Mario "should have said" was about the quarterback. So don't facepalm me when all I did was quote you.
He didnt say that about Tyrique at all. He said "obviously Tyrique needs to get his hands on the reciever and reroute him". Thats my biggest complaint about both Ivey (MTSU) and Tyrique at least twice this season getting burnt. They dont put their hands on the recievers before passing them off into the next zone. Cant let wr go full speed into the safeties zone. Will get Kam and Williams burnt alot. Plus watch that play again, James Williams takes the rb in the flat, no reason for Tyrique to avoid contact with wr and leave him so fast.

And i will add that yes i recognize Kam f**** up. Mario said that too. But Tyrique knew where he was supposed to end up on the play and forgot all the technique he was supposed to use getting there fast. It happens but when 2 guys both make mistakes on same play thats when big plays happen. If he bumps wr, Mayes throw is off or Kam might have a chance to recover and make the tackle because wr isnt already in a full sprint. Its on both dbs.
Smart take
It baffles my mind sometimes with these coaches. We as fans see things quicker than the coaches, now granted a lot of have been fans of football for 20,30, 40.
Some of said exactly that about the offense. We were playing with ZERO tempo and looking at the sidelines waaaayyyyyyy too much. How does any O coord implement that philosophy to begin with, and how does it tale so long to adjust. Spread the g dam field and go go go. And yet still we scored 24 on a freakin bad defense. There is still lots nd lots and lots of work to do. Buy my goodness at the very least they recognized the tempo part. It's a start.
The coaches were invested in a philosophy. They resisted change. I’ve seen that before in business. Hard to admit you’re wrong.

-" At our current talent level we’re going to be in a lot of close games that come down to the wire, to the fourth quarter. So ball security, re-pointing a Mike when he walks outside, maintaining leverage on a pass rush so a guy doesn’t escape and he moves the chains and they exchange a drive, those things have to show up consistently when we practice for them to show up consistently in the games in the most critical moments. Because these games are going to come down to 3, 4, 5, 8 plays. So they have to show up better in practice to show up better in the game. And we’re working on it.”

-going for fourth downs and short even near midfield and being aggressive will continue.
“Those plays are about knocking people back. And I get it, we’re not at the level from a size and power standpoint where it’s going to always look pretty, but dammit you have to establish a mentality first, keep getting it done in the weight room and develop, keep getting big old dudes that can knock them back, have faith in your guys and know if it doesn’t work that the other side is going to get the ball back for you.”

-“Tremendous job by Tyler bouncing back, very resilient, extremely productive and played with a lot of confidence. That’s good to see, certainly bodes well for the future.”

“You always want guys on your team that always show a great competitive response. You play this game long enough you are going to get hit in the mouth. So what are you truly made of? We lose a couple of games? What are you made of? You going to buckle, give into the noise? Part of it is knowing what it is to be a great one. Tyler is made of great stuff, has the right DNA. He’s got a couple of guys with him that are doing a really good job to infuse that among the rest of our players and our players are really working hard to try and get there. Tyler, just he epitomized that. Last year toward the end of the year he put up big numbers. Change of scheme, change in coaching staff, there are adjustment periods, he loses his receivers (Mike Harley and Charleston Rambo) and all of a sudden the world is coming down on him. All he did was buckle down, practice harder, get with the receivers, get extra work and boom he had himself a really good game.”

-“(The receivers) played better,” “Guys like Mike Redding, Redding is going to catch JUGS out there till he’s blue in the face. And they brought along Brashard Smith, who took a tremendous step up. Colbie Young, credit to him. Got here very late in the process from Lackawanna Junior College, makes a couple of really big plays. Frank Ladson continues to get better. So guys are improving. Have to keep improving."

- Mario said there were some adjustments made with Josh Gattis’ offense; a quicker pace and less look to the sidelines for adjusted play calls this past weekend. Plus there was more nuance with the play calls.

“Coach Gattis had tremendous success when he was at Michigan and Alabama and the stuff he did there, but it wasn’t working for us early in the season,” “So we adapted the sets and started moving to things that we feel we can do as an organization. Certain areas of our team are ahead of others. Just have to find ways to move the ball and score points. We found ways to move the ball, had success moving the chains, we didn’t put up enough points. That’s the bottom line. There’s been some progress, some improvement, still a way to go.”

-On the busted coverage that gave UNC the first touchdown:

“That play wasn’t on Tyrique,” “We’re in Cover 2 and the safety saw something and bam. Obviously (Stevenson) has got to get his hands on that receiver, follow him and reroute him, but the safety saw something that wasn’t quite there and jumped it. The same play we picked off (later). It took us a little while to get settled in.

“The big plays we have allowed on defense are busts mentally we fix as the game goes on. We have to start better to avoid those big plays. … We have to find a way to win.”

“The two big plays, the long TD early, were both coverage issues,” Cristobal said. “At the same time the real good plays later on were really good communication on the back end and playing out like they’re supposed to."

“Look, we signed up for all this stuff, know we have some work to do and we are all about it. So it comes with it. In terms of trying to get it done right, our guys are trying to. We’re getting progress or whatnot, have to realize that with the way we are, our current talent level and roster depth we have to eliminate, avoid the avoidable. That’s what we have to do and continue to develop and ramp up and get better. Guys are trying and we certainly just have to improve."
Our current talent level without Question, is plenty good enough to have beaten MTSU & UNC (A&M to a lesser degree) that's on coaching Period...I don't think that's unfair to say or ask.
He needs to get his head on straight, play his assignments, and he'll jump right over Kam if he does that. Kam's young and I'm not throwing him under the bus, but he needs to do a lot better.

What's the deal on Balom?
What’s alarming is that TS is a very experienced player and Kam has a year and a half of games under his belt. They should know these things by now.