Mario “the meddler” and “caveman”

The meddling narrative was always bull****. Caveman offense narrative okay perhaps that one had merit, but idgaf now.

He hired terrible coordinators when he came here. He replaced them with the best OC & DC combo in the nation now. Went out and got them all these neato ingredients in the off-season and is like you two get in kitchen and cook whatever the **** you want to.

He stripped the program down to the studs and rebuilt it in 3 years and is doing an awesome job. This team can get so much better this year and coach is gonna acquire more and even better talent in the future, which is bright af
Neanderthals communicates mostly with grunts and hand gestures, making meddling something that never really made sense.
imo, there are two entirely legitimate criticisms of mario as a coach:

1. his gameday coaching is lacking. this year, TBD. no significant issues thus far, but we'll see what happens when we get in a real rock fight.

2. he whiffed badly on his first set of coordinator hires. this was so bad it was almost unbelievable, but he responded by hitting home runs with dawson and guidry. really bizarre that it took that disaster of a first round to get here, but hey, we're cooking now.

the 'meddling,' caveman offense critique holds no water to me and simply never has during his time at miami. generally speaking, we've passed the ball plenty. but the bigger thing is this: i am a tennessee titans fan. i have suffered through a lot of horrendous QB play. and i can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that what we saw last year was not mario getting in there and forcing dawson to Run Da Ball- it was an OC who absolutely knew that his QB ain't ****, and was doing his best to hide him. i've seen years of that, man lol.
…most points scored in a 4 game span in program history.
Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF
Mario may be stubborn but he’s not stupid. I’m 100% positive that if you asked him behind closed doors what he would prefer, it would be to run the ball and physically overwhelm opponents. We’re not doing that but we’re breaking offensive records so he’s going to let Dawson and Cam cook.

All the fans wanted was for him to kindly get out of his own team’s way. And he has, so thank you, Mario. Keep up the good recruiting.
Mario may be stubborn but he’s not stupid. I’m 100% positive that if you asked him behind closed doors what he would prefer, it would be to run the ball and physically overwhelm opponents. We’re not doing that but we’re breaking offensive records so he’s going to let Dawson and Cam cook.

All the fans wanted was for him to kindly get out of his own team’s way. And he has, so thank you, Mario. Keep up the good recruiting.
I have a feeling Cam said to Mario I'll come play at Miami if you let me control the offense with Dawson.
What a big difference. I knew he could recruit. He's simply getting out of the way and letting Dawson n Cam do they thing. Along with the defensive coordinators. I'm just sitting back n enjoying the process. It's been a rough 20 plus yrs this way watching **** shows every yr
I have a feeling Cam said to Mario I'll come play at Miami if you let me control the offense with Dawson.
He definitely didn’t come here to hand it off 40 times. But he also came because he wanted to play one season where he didn’t have to totally carry a team. I’m sure Cam likes it when we run the ball successfully. I know Dawson wants to run the ball too but when you’re doing what Cam and the receivers are doing every week, that whole “balance” thing goes out the window. Our best offensive gameplan right now is to go pass heavy to start the game and then pound the run in the second half once we’ve got a good lead and the defense has to adjust to stop the pass.
I was driving some of those “Mario’s Sucks” “Fire Him Now” “We’ll Never Win with This Dude” buses.

I have nothing negative to say.. he shut me and many others up. He’s fix and done what many of us have been asking of him.
Yeah man, I can’t speak for everyone but it used to(and still does) REALLY irk me when I’d see Oregon, Fsu, etc. fans criticizing or making jokes about Mario. The dude absolutely knows how to build a powerhouse football program from the bottom up. Everywhere he’s been, he’s turned that program around. It didn’t happen as quickly as some would like at Miami, but I don’t think people truly comprehend the extent of "cultural rot" that existed at Miami. Furthermore, like all great coaches, Mario has shown these last few years a tremendous willingness to adapt/evolve in every aspect of his approach. Lastly, when I watch this team play every week I’m absolutely blown away by the amount of talent and depth on this squad. This team is LOADED, and I’m seeing future NFL pick’s everywhere.