2024 March 25 (Elite BBQ) Is Huge Recruiting Weekend #2

Season 10 Bbq GIF by The Simpsons

BBQ just didn't have the same ring as Mystery Day. BUT I like @Geo305 Circle the Date heads up. Thread title updated to

BBQ: Circle the Date

and that's much catchier.

Let my mom cook they would all sign. She made food a few months ago and a st Peter's basketball player said it was the best food he ever ate. Them boys don't know about that Rican power
U got any sisters/kuzins that’s not married who can kook @Dwinstitles ? No disrespect Gangsta. Just interested 💪🏾
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We get at least one commit the bbq right?
Hoping we can pull someone in soon. I get that it's early but would like to see a little momentum before spring ends. I expect summer will be a good time for commits as well. Ideally, we lock in Air Noland before summer so we can have our QB recruiting for us as well. I thought I saw somewhere, someone mentioned that Air might not be QB1 for the current staff? Don't quote me but I thought I remembered seeing that.
Will they be bringing in that delicious Gainesville macaroni & cheese?
It won't be shorty's for once so there's that. Using chefs this time from my understanding and this is the first year we apparently may do swimming and the BBQ at Mario's house. Instead of on the campus. Might not sound like a huge difference but it is, especially when you see it as a kid or a parent. That's a different kind of relationship when you're welcomed into someone's home. That's family
It won't be shorty's for once so there's that. Using chefs this time from my understanding and this is the first year we apparently may do swimming and the BBQ at Mario's house. Instead of on the campus. Might not sound like a huge difference but it is, especially when you see it as a kid or a parent. That's a different kind of relationship when you're welcomed into someone's home. That's family
It won't be shorty's for once so there's that. Using chefs this time from my understanding and this is the first year we apparently may do swimming and the BBQ at Mario's house. Instead of on the campus. Might not sound like a huge difference but it is, especially when you see it as a kid or a parent. That's a different kind of relationship when you're welcomed into someone's home. That's family
It’s a major major difference.
It won't be shorty's for once so there's that. Using chefs this time from my understanding and this is the first year we apparently may do swimming and the BBQ at Mario's house. Instead of on the campus. Might not sound like a huge difference but it is, especially when you see it as a kid or a parent. That's a different kind of relationship when you're welcomed into someone's home. That's family

Mario's house is close enough to UM's campus to be eligible to host recruiting events by like 3 feet. Not kidding. I think compliance went out with Jessica to look at houses lol.

******* chess move.