Visits March 18-24, 2024 Visitors

Not to be that guy, but Memnon has a better hit percentage than anyone on this board by a LONG shot.

No one is perfect, but when it comes to recruits (and DBs) in particular, he’s the best this board has. Not saying you have to agree with him - honestly everyone should watch their own tape and come to their own conclusions.

Sadly, 95% of people on this board agree with what they want to hear, hence why there’s been so many whiffs with recruits the last 20 years. It’s funny because the loudest “I told you so” guys are the ones that are usually wrong to the most. It’s also quite ironic because he wasn’t high on Mario to begin with and got lambasted for it…well…Year 3 is a big make or break year.

Big fan of Memnon’s football wisdom and IQ. My initial impression of the Guidry and Jackson is that they know what they’re doing. Disagree with him on Mario.


It’s too much these days.. a teaser trailer for a visit.. The kids middle name is “phenom” lol; I’m guessing that’s not his government name? Or mama was a psychic..

Just changing times! God Bless him and may his fortunes be fruitful just don’t troll the coaches please…
I've got a list of recruits who were supposed to visit today but I haven't seen confirmation that they made it. Does anyone know about ...
Amari Wallace
Randy Adirika
Jasper Parker
Walter Mathis
Jayvon McFadden
Zion Paret ?
Feels like:


Commit watch? Or have they said they’re waiting till summer somewhere?
Gabby weekend Visit Summary

Dallas Wilson

Wilson hasn't shown for previous visits, made it down even with nasty weather
Went to dinner w/staff (within one mile of campus so legal)
Miami knocked it out of the park
Oregon commit doesn't seem rock solid

Jaelyne Matthews

Top 2 of UGA & Miami with UT (Vols) in the running

Hayden Lowe

Miami firmly a contender here. Miami has a strong relationship here

Jaime Ffrench Jr.

Ton of schools involved, liked what he saw w/Ward and the O
Pass happy offense
Gaby feels were on the outside looking in

Jasper Parker

In the mix for RB2

Luka Gilbert

Lots of schools involved here, distance may be a problem
However, family has made multiple trips down

Miami is about to go on a recruiting run

Buzz that Alford is trending to UM. He may visit this week. If he does visit, Miami looking very good here
Wallace and Ewald strong possibilities

Brock Schott

Miami battling w/ O$U here

Alvin Henderson

Could commit very soon

Early December signing day may mean Miami could be more aggressive in the spring.