Ok so I did a little more digging. He’s clearly got an edge about him… u can see it in his game. He’s a really smart young man in the classroom. 3.6 GPA points that out. He’s a good kid, overall. Very passionate about the game. Originally from Detroit, living with his older sister in the Atlanta area. I Don’t know the full story there, (my guess is that city life situations can be rough to overcome) so the sister is basically his parent….but no doubt, he is a CITY kid, which means he can be a little “rough around the edges”! He ain’t afraid to throw hands either,

. He’s basically the man of the house…at 17, so with that u have to take the good with the bad. I’ve seen him have heated conversations with coaches (NOT where anybody has to get between them or anything), he’s not the “backdown type”. You give it, he’s gonna look you right in the eyes, and give it right back to you. He’s passionate about this ****. This means he’s gonna need an Aloha male type (Charlie Strong) to coach him. No weak kneed ***, soft talking, skin moisturized, slack jawed, male figures please, or this kid will run right over him. He loves football, and more than that, he loves hitting muhfuccas…. hard! If I find out more, I’ll bring it to you guys.