Mannys been in charge of defense for 6 years. Whats our identity?

Blitz every third down putting you're worst corner on the oppositions best and fasted wr allowing a first down or TD
Can’t stop the run
Can’t stop pass
Can’t pass protect
Can’t run block
Can’t pass
Can’t catch
Can’t do anything involving kickoffs
Hmmm undisciplined

yeah I don’t know what to hang our hat on.
Edit: we are a punting team!
You forgot cant tackle
He sucks

He tries to create “Chaos” when in reality we just have an unsound defense that can’t tackle and players who are over thinking where they need to be running to so they can cause Chaos
Unsound and consistently out of alignment at the snap giving away free yards.
Go Get Ready GIF by The Animal Crackers Movie
We give up 600 yards if they have any talent

And if your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle. I'm not going to play the "but if their offense had Randy Moss and Tom Brady they would have scored 80 points" game. The D didn't give up 600 yards. It gave up 15 points. Points matter, yards don't. To end the season last year, App State gave up 28 to N. Texas and 26 to GA Southern. Miami struggled to score 25 points AT HOME.
Its not really a question that requires an answer. At the end of 4 quarters, what matters is that Team A has scored more points than Team B. Now if Team A has a defense so good it can hold Team B to 3 points, that means it can still win with a pathetically weak offense. Conversely, if the D gives up 35 points, it's not a big deal if the offense is scoring 50. Which would you rather have: a 6-3 win or a 50-35 win? I think the latter suggests a much better overall team even though the D gave up almost 11x as many points as the team with the defense that only allowed 3. App State was a severely undersized and relatively show defense but couldn't move the ball. Both sides of the ball may have issues, but I think the fact that a FCS team scored more on Bama (in Tuscaloosa!) than Miami did on should tell you where the bigger problem is.

Couldn’t move the ball is a stretch. They just didn’t have anything explosive. They had 19 first downs.
I still have more faith in the D than O because Miami has very respectable players on the DL at least. A poor offensive line will always hold back an offense, always
Couldn’t move the ball is a stretch. They just didn’t have anything explosive. They had 19 first downs.

Couldn't move the ball *into the end zone.* Doesn't matter if you have 500 yards of offense if you shoot yourself in the foot constantly in scoring position and have to settle for FGs instead of TDs.
Couldn't move the ball *into the end zone.* Doesn't matter if you have 500 yards of offense if you shoot yourself in the foot constantly in scoring position and have to settle for FGs instead of TDs.
Did you watch the game or just the stats?

be honest
Can’t stop the run
Can’t stop pass
Can’t pass protect
Can’t run block
Can’t pass
Can’t catch
Can’t do anything involving kickoffs
Hmmm undisciplined

yeah I don’t know what to hang our hat on.
Edit: we are a punting team!
can't recruit LB's, needs the portal to cover for recruiting mistakes