Manny needs more experince around him--Miami Herald today

St Thomas has more coaching experience then this Miami staff put together. Even if that's a fallacy Diaz has already shown he's scared to hire someone who is better than him as a coach/ bigger figure than him football wise. First sign of a failure. Dude doesn't know what the he'll he's doing at this point.

I remember Shannon talking about what kinda offense he wanted to run then he fired his OC after one year. Lmao. Funny part is when he hired him he said he did cause he " gave him fits". smh. diaz has all kinds of weird *** thoughts going thru his head which shows he has no plan. Switching to the spread was easy but why didn't he do that last year if that was the offense he REALLY wanted to run? Trying way to hard to do it by himself and that is why he'll fail
Betting on smart people? Who the **** thinks Manny is some genius? This is the same dude that brought a dance party culture to the team, then wonders why there's a culture problem. He's the same guy that brought us the TD rings. The same dude that thinks celebrating single plays is more important than wins. The same guy that milks the clock before calling a timeout against mighty CMU.

To **** with this "smart" business. The dude is a fraud, and I expect Lashlee will be scapegoated by game 4 by the same people that think Manny is smart.
St Thomas has more coaching experience then this Miami staff put together. Even if that's a fallacy Diaz has already shown he's scared to hire someone who is better than him as a coach/ bigger figure than him football wise. First sign of a failure. Dude doesn't know what the he'll he's doing at this point.

I remember Shannon talking about what kinda offense he wanted to run then he fired his OC after one year. Lmao. Funny part is when he hired him he said he did cause he " gave him fits". smh. diaz has all kinds of weird *** thoughts going thru his head which shows he has no plan. Switching to the spread was easy but why didn't he do that last year if that was the offense he REALLY wanted to run? Trying way to hard to do it by himself and that is why he'll fail
His biggest concern is looking like a boss, not actually being a winner. It'll never work. If he wanted to be a winner, he'd make some tough choices.
"One bit of advice offered by a person inside the UM program: Manny Diaz needs to hire more voices around him who are older than him, preferably with more head coaching experience. That hasn’t happened this offseason, though we very much like the hiring of younger assistants Rhett Lashlee as offensive coordinator and Garin Justise as offensive line coach."

"The only former head coach on Diaz’s 2019 staff was offensive coordinator Dan Enos, and he’s gone after a year. The only member of the 2020 staff with head coaching experience is Justice, who coached at Division II Campbell."

"Keep in mind that when Erik Spoelstra was named Heat coach 12 years ago, Pat Riley made sure he had a sage, experienced lead assistant in Ron Rothstein. Something like that should have happened here."

"I’m guessing Diaz will turn this around because of his intelligence (I always gamble on smart people) and because Lashlee’s offensive system should work here. But an experienced, been-around-the-block voice in Diaz’s ear would help, as the person inside the program said."

" One member of UM’s Board of Trustees said: “I’m concerned about the alumni, boosters and fans and how dissatisfied they are. When they’re dissatisfied, they don’t spend money.”

"That trustee said that’s one reason he hopes changes extend beyond a new offensive coordinator and scheme. But that’s not going to happen, with UM’s decision not to hire Alonzo Highsmith."

"At this point, UM believes Lashlee’s offense, a new quarterback, a new kicker and a crackdown on player behaviorial issues will fix what ails the program."

I just do not think the present cast of characters CMD/James/Strawely/Frenk can get it done 8 wins sure
minor bowls games sure, the occasional Coastal crown sure......thats their ceiling

Is sinking?
He wants no part of anyone challenging him. The defensive staff is a microcosm of the entire staff. Young guys that know nothing but what they learned from Manny as a GA or whatever they were prior to their position that Manny gave them.

There's only one correct answer in the room and they all think the same way. Hopefully the offense is transitioning from that line of thinking bringing in multiple guys with OC experience and Justice coming from the Rich Rod tree and system vs Lashlee and the Malzahn tree. That's how its supposed to be. Similar concepts but merging different ways of thinking.

Based on the Heat example give, Ron Rothstein didn't "challenge" Erik Spolestra—he was just an old veteran to lend advice when needed.

Most coaches don't bring on older has-beens to "challenge" them—and we saw how much Enos' expertise as a Central Michigan head coach, Arkansas play caller and Alabama quarterbacks coach paid dividends regarding Miami's offense and quarterback room.
I agree wholeheartedly..but who are these assistants Miami can pull with HC experience?..someone used Saban which is amusing to me considering their budget, the number of assistants who you guys would consider terrible because they were fired b4 and a Bama assistant job lastly, is a catapult job for a HC next stop because it’s low risk, high reward spot to be...all in all it’s a a lot of chirping around our program that’s been struggling and needs a rebuild in infrastructure first. I agree with most of you guys who talk about it at nauseaum and make new threads each week even tho some swear everything I post is in defense of the staff our admins lol...I find it comical the leaks from these so called trustees when they are directly the reason why the program is in the position it’s in..lots of pointing fingers
I remember in the Warren Sapp book he mentioned that it was not uncommon for assistant coaches to sabotage head coaches as they thought they might replace them, hiring a former head coach as an assistant seems to create the potential for discourse in a staff. Sure is a lot of speculation in this thread that is unfounded. Hopefully Diaz has a successful year and all these questions go away otherwise we begin anew again.
Obviously rooting for Manny & staff to prove us wrong. If we can be that turnover forcing monster we were the year the TO chain came out paired with the high powered spread O we can have a nice season.
Obviously rooting for Manny & staff to prove us wrong. If we can be that turnover forcing monster we were the year the TO chain came out paired with the high powered spread O we can have a nice season.
Maybe we need a new chain!!!
I don't know if our defense is championship level, but it's far from being our biggest problem.

We had one defense under Manny, maybe two or three years ago I can't recall, that DID look championship caliber. The one with Jaquan Johnson, Bandy, and such.

The biggest problem on this team is that they're SOFT. Maybe that's just a Florida thing and it can't be cured, but the whole team is charmin soft. Been that way since Coker, but it's only getting worse.

When is the last time we converted on 4th and inches, or 4th and goal? When is the last time our defense held someone on 4th and inches or made a goal line stand? When is the last time we won a game in bad weather? How many times are our quarterbacks going to eat snickers bars and laugh after a loss?

All these kids want to do is smoke weed and play video games. Which is why I'm not buying tickets or spending money to support them.

That softness is the biggest problem on the team.

It's not a "Florida" thing b/c other teams that have Florida players aren't soft. It's a coaching, development, schematic, respect, scouting, etc. thing.

-Coker benefited from a culture that Butch built. Once Butch's recruits left, Coker was left butt naked and unqualified for the job.

-We then hired Randy Shannon who came from the same culture that Coker let erode. To Randy's credit, he did try, but he came from a broken regime and was ill-equipped to put out the chit show fire that Coker.

-We then hired Golden....Golden tried to bring an old BIG10 philosophy to a school known for speed and athletes. I feel Golden could've been more successful here, but he was dogmatic and arrogant on doing things his way, never embraced the Miami culture (the real one), and refused to hire a staff that would challenge him to make him better (eerily similar to what's going on now). He put friendship and arrogance over the program.

-Richt was hired 5 yrs too late; he literally used this job to fulfill a dream, to coach w/ his son. That's why my boy @k9cane referred to his tenure as Richtirement. The staff he put together was not strong, outside of Thomas Brown, to be honest. At least Brown had P5 experience w/ results, but his three main guys were his former players and his son! Nepotism at it's finest. He coasted, and when the decision came to hire a new staff, he chose to leave.

-Since we just love ground hogs day here, we hired Manny who came from the same culture that Richt let erode further. Manny, is more Golden than Shannon. Manny has also created a very divisive spirit around the program as it was Def v. Off as opposed to team.

We've had players who have been deemed "soft" from CA, TX, MN, NY, and FL. Clearly, we have a program problem, not a player problem.....look no further than the back and forth bull chit w/ Zo coming on board and what his job duties would include.