Manny is being defended

by Patrick Cooney on social media

Our version of Baghdad Bob? I see you Cooney.

The only thing he’s right about is that you don’t fix a culture that has been broken for 20 years in 2 years, but manny has been at Miami for 6 years now.

And you certainly don’t get better and keep digging a bigger hole when you switch coaching staffs every 3-4 years. Not defending Manny at all, but that’s one of the major reasons why we suck, people to appreciate how disastrous it is to keep rolling over coaching staffs.
Do you need 4 years to beat FIU? How about a 3 win GT team? We are the worst tackling team in CFB with a 6-year defensive coach. I understand we canes fans can be unreasonable at times, but the heat they are getting is well deserved.
Dudes a clown with these posts. FIRST if you ha e any knowledge about Miami football history, the administration has rarely/never listened to the fans. Fans didn’t want Jimmy, Dennis or Butch, yet all three got hired. And UM hasn’t fired coaches because of the fans, if they didn’t **** would have happened quicker instead of ending in blood baths the majority of times.

DIFFERENCE IS we used to have people in charge Sam Jankovich and even Paul Dee to an extent that knew what they where doing and had connections and knew how to hire.

The last 2 or 3 ADs including BETA Blake don’t know how to hire period.

The fact he spent time to post this garbage makes me think the STAFF IS FEELING THE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
So much fail here.
Manny recruited all players on defense for 6 years.
Manny defense only worked with Golden recruits. (Shaq, Pickney, Willis, Jaquan, etc)
Again, he's had 6 years to recruit players for his scheme, so to me it seemed Golden recruits adapted well why not Manny's own recruits?
Again, 6 six years to recruit 6 defensive classes and 3 offensive and of all the classes not one player emerged as a leader? Jaquan and Shaq did (Golden recruits)
Go young? half a season to play Rosseau. 4 games to play Taylor. Gurvan, Harley, Mallory, Mccloud, and on and on still starts. Where are you going young at?
So 20 years of bad coaching makes the last 2 years excusable?
Funny how this is basically how coaches go into “survival” mode when the heat gets turned up. I seem to remember the talk towards end of Golden’s run that the defense was too complex/players missed assignments. “It can be just one guy that misses an assignment and even if 10 guys do it right” blah blah.

Brian Flores is currently doing the same thing. Says the gameplan is good, but they aren’t executing.

Sorry but execution IS coaching. If your team struggles with execution then you need to figure out a scheme/gameplan that fits the players.

Don’t blame the student, blame the teacher.