Man, Real Phucking Talk

You're bashing Joe Rose for putting Brewster on the air. Rose is an avid cane fan, (he let's everyone know on the air all the time) and a big SFL HS football fan. He was very upset when we lost Powell. Easy on him he's just trying to attract FSU listeners to beat 790 in ratings.
Can anyone please summarize what this jackwagon said on Joe Show? Either way I'm with OP ***** A Seminole.
Poster Power Rankings (Can't include D$, PEte, Tito, HG, Cam):

1.) DED
2.) The guy who does "tell me we roll"
3.) Poops
4.) Bicho
5.) caneaddict, shooting up the rankings
Am I to assume this Brewster phucker said something negative about Miami?

Or we just don't like the guy? Someone phil me in please......
I've said this on other threads - living in Minnesota - people couldn't run Brewster out of town fast enough. A lot of talk saying the gophers were going to the rose bowl etc. all while he dug the program deeper into the ground then it ever was. Big talker. He'd show up to Seantrel's high school games on helicopters. They still play his laughable audio bits on the radio over and over. "Get you chili while it's hot boys". Then they would lose by 40 pts. Not to say the gophs were even somewhat good - but Brewster was a complete joke of a coach.
Brewster talking **** is one of the stupidest things I've seen. That guy couldn't give a **** about the Noles. The next job offer he gets that has any raise or OC title he's out of there. Love these guys acting like they care...pathetic.

Timothy is the kind of guy who asks his Grandkids to pull his finger.

I laughed hysterically at this! **** FSU!!!
You're bashing Joe Rose for putting Brewster on the air. Rose is an avid cane fan, (he let's everyone know on the air all the time) and a big SFL HS football fan. He was very upset when we lost Powell. Easy on him he's just trying to attract FSU listeners to beat 790 in ratings.

So you sayin Rose is selling out?

If not, why the **** would he care about attracting some ****** *** fsu fans? **** Trailer Hassey and every ************ there. I'm with the OP on this one!