Malik Bryant 3.0, Announcement 7/27 @ Noon

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The brinks trucks are pulling up! Mario and Ruiz will handle this when the dust settles. It’s the landscape of recruiting now. We have won some, we have lost a few.

SEC teams taking notice. They werent just going to lay down while Miami was taking their recruits. They're obviously upping their recruiting efforts. We're in the big leagues now.
This. Some of you guys need to bow out of this. We are big game hunting with the stalwarts who will do anything and sell their daughters to land certain recruits.

It will get messy but that’s how it is chasing the elites with Baga, UGA, UF, Texas, ND. At an absolute minimum, I love our staff for fighting like **** and making these bag schools work hard and dig deep in their wallets to land recruits.

I really hope we get this kid, and I ultimately think we will. But don’t for one second think this **** will be a cake walk down the stretch.

UF in particular wants this kid bad. Really bad.
We lose on one guard and Aguerro and now everyone wants the season to start lol. That’s how you know this fanbase isn’t used to big game hunting
we have one good week and the mongoloids on this board think were impervious to losing a recruiting battle ever again.

like saban and kirby and the rest of the good ole boys are gonna sit back and bow down to mario and miami.
@Bingo Bunny

You are one funny mfer. All of your posts are calculated asf and have me on the floor.

That is all.

Carry on, y'all.

Let's get Malik!
I Love You So Much GIF
We lose on one guard and Aguerro and now everyone wants the season to start lol. That’s how you know this fanbase isn’t used to big game hunting.
It’s funny all the people who get worked up over transgender issues strangely produce their own vaginas when one thing doesn’t fall our direction
we have one good week and the mongoloids on this board think were impervious to losing a recruiting battle ever again.

like saban and kirby and the rest of the good ole boys are gonna sit back and bow down to mario and miami.
Right. And like Alabama doesn’t also miss ever
He wasn’t picking anybody today and that’s why we said he’d likely be pushing it back a couple days ago. Miami has never backed off their confidence one inch with him or Bonsu.

Thanks for the update Cribster. I’d be happy with those two out of those committing this weekend even if it’s later. It’s not like any of these players are signing anything until December anyway. This is a marathon of sorts, not a sprint. There’s other good linemen and safeties on the board.
I’m trying to figure out why people who follow recruiting don’t get that when you are constantly going up against the big boys for the big boys that you’re not gonna bat 1000 or even 500. **** even Alabama misses on more than 75% of the top 100 if you really want to think about it. Either be excited that we’re competing for these guys no matter what the outcome or go back to being excited about how he just stole somebody from middle Tennessee State
I sound like a broken record but I’m going to keep repeating it til I’m blue in the face. 7-1/2 months ago, we’re not even in the conversation for most of these kids. I don’t think the “big boys” expected such early success from Mario and are now scrambling to make up ground.
we have one good week and the mongoloids on this board think were impervious to losing a recruiting battle ever again.

like saban and kirby and the rest of the good ole boys are gonna sit back and bow down to mario and miami.
Also, UGA Bama and OSU lose battles to each other all the time. Everyone’s fighting for the same fish
We lose on one guard and Aguerro and now everyone wants the season to start lol. That’s how you know this fanbase isn’t used to big game hunting.
You step into the ring with the heavyweights you are going to take some big punches, we also will be delivering some big ones as well.
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