

Nov 30, 2011
See he's still listed (like last season) at 5'7." When, in reality, he's probably closer to 5'5." Then again, he's still not too old for a real growth spurt. Also, hoping his biggest failing (at least IMO) -- shot selection -- will tighten up a bit this year. If that happens, think we'll see less "streakiness" from him with the 3 ball.
Despite, occasionally showing poor shot selection, Lykes has a high basketball IQ. Needs to focus on being a PG and not a scorer. No telling how good he could be if he turned his attention into being more of a facilitator and less of a 2G. If he's averaging more than 7+ assists per game, we're going to be very good. But if he's looking to put up 20 points per game, it's going to be NIT at best for our boys. Need him to be more Mark Jackson, and less Allen Iverson.
He can also be extremely effective in the zone offense. Did you watch the Syracuse game? He would literally go under the zone defense and either had an easy layup or kickout for an open shot.
Lykes is a scorer that can facilitate. Don’t try to place him in a particular box.

Not trying to pigeon hole the kid at all, but he needs to be a facilitator that can score some. Just calling it like I see it. I'm not at all saying Lykes can't average 15 ppg, but once again in order for Miami to maximize their talent, they're going to need Lykes to be a facilitator. Not saying he can't look for his, but if he's not averaging 7+ assists per game then they can forget about making any kind of serious run in the ACC or NCAA Tourney.

To top things off, individually it might be in his best interest to facilitate. If he has any aspirations of playing in the NBA or abroad, he's gonna have to do it playing the point. 5'6" guys don't make much money playing the 2. Shorty's like Isaiah Thomas and Nate Robinson are the anomaly.
Not trying to pigeon hole the kid at all, but he needs to be a facilitator that can score some. Just calling it like I see it. I'm not at all saying Lykes can't average 15 ppg, but once again in order for Miami to maximize their talent, they're going to need Lykes to be a facilitator. Not saying he can't look for his, but if he's not averaging 7+ assists per game then they can forget about making any kind of serious run in the ACC or NCAA Tourney.

To top things off, individually it might be in his best interest to facilitate. If he has any aspirations of playing in the NBA or abroad, he's gonna have to do it playing the point. 5'6" guys don't make much money playing the 2. Shorty's like Isaiah Thomas and Nate Robinson are the anomaly.

6 players nationally averaged 7+ APG last season. Lykes needs to be Lykes. Not worried about the NBA. He has 3 more years of college to refine his game.
No Quan means it’s Lykes for the win. Wave farewell to Quan‘s awful assist to turnover ratio.

He was a little wild at the start of last year but him feeding ZJ should be crazy and facilitate his scoring as well.
Despite, occasionally showing poor shot selection, Lykes has a high basketball IQ. Needs to focus on being a PG and not a scorer. No telling how good he could be if he turned his attention into being more of a facilitator and less of a 2G. If he's averaging more than 7+ assists per game, we're going to be very good. But if he's looking to put up 20 points per game, it's going to be NIT at best for our boys. Need him to be more Mark Jackson, and less Allen Iverson.
I'm not sure what NCAA basketball you are watching but no almost no one averages 7 assists in college ball right now. Last year there were like 5-6 guys with 7 or more and a few other in the high 6s. Only one guy over 8 and that was Trae Young. With the zone defense and packing the paint, there is not as much room to be a facilitator. Plus, its just generally not his nature or way of playing. He is a scorer who hopefully gets 4-5 assits a game. We need a true point guard at some point but thats just not who he is.
I'm not sure what NCAA basketball you are watching but no almost no one averages 7 assists in college ball right now. Last year there were like 5-6 guys with 7 or more and a few other in the high 6s. Only one guy over 8 and that was Trae Young. With the zone defense and packing the paint, there is not as much room to be a facilitator. Plus, its just generally not his nature or way of playing. He is a scorer who hopefully gets 4-5 assits a game. We need a true point guard at some point but thats just not who he is.

Not sure what basketball you've been watching, but Coach L likes to run his offense thru the PG position. Coach L keeps it real simple for his PG. Offensively, he likes his PGs to drive & dish, knock down open J's, and defend. If they do that well, the team will have a good chance of winning and the PG will have a good shot at playing pro ball in the league or elsewhere.

The bottom line is that he needs to put up more than the paltry 2 assists per game average he had last season. Again, I'm not saying he shouldn't take an open shot and stay in attack mode, but he needs to understand this team can't withstand his poor shot selection and expect to win many games. Whether it's 5, 6, or 7+ assists per game remains to be seen, but he needs to be more facilitator this season than he was last year. I expect he'll play more this season, so putting up 15+ppg and 5-7+apg isn't beyond the realm of possibilities. Now, if he goes into the season looking to put up 20ppg and 2apg, we're in deep doo-doo.
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Yea Lykes is really going to hurt the team by not passing to all theses knockdown 3 pt shooters we have spotting up.

We have tooooo many you scorers for Lykes to play his game.
Not trying to pigeon hole the kid at all, but he needs to be a facilitator that can score some. Just calling it like I see it. I'm not at all saying Lykes can't average 15 ppg, but once again in order for Miami to maximize their talent, they're going to need Lykes to be a facilitator. Not saying he can't look for his, but if he's not averaging 7+ assists per game then they can forget about making any kind of serious run in the ACC or NCAA Tourney.

To top things off, individually it might be in his best interest to facilitate. If he has any aspirations of playing in the NBA or abroad, he's gonna have to do it playing the point. 5'6" guys don't make much money playing the 2. Shorty's like Isaiah Thomas and Nate Robinson are the anomaly.
I dont really agree with this. Lykes needs to be a penetrating guard playing more in the way of a Tony Parker. We will have more open players if Lykes plays his game instead of focusing on facilitating.
I dont really agree with this. Lykes needs to be a penetrating guard playing more in the way of a Tony Parker. We will have more open players if Lykes plays his game instead of focusing on facilitating.
What's a 5'6 Guard gonna do if he is successful in penetrating in our half court set? Most often he's gonna eat leather or have it swatted away. Tony Parker is 6'2!! Big difference.

On the rare fast break, Chris already looks to distribute just fine. Only probem there is he needs to limit the risky/flashy passes that may make the evening news highlights when they connect but too often end up in TOs.

It'll be interesting to see if this team tries to fast break more than most of our teams have. Will we be winning games scoring in the 50s and 60s again, or in the 70s and 80s this season? My bet is we still see the slower pace.
What's a 5'6 Guard gonna do if he is successful in penetrating in our half court set? Most often he's gonna eat leather or have it swatted away. Tony Parker is 6'2!! Big difference.

On the rare fast break, Chris already looks to distribute just fine. Only probem there is he needs to limit the risky/flashy passes that may make the evening news highlights when they connect but too often end up in TOs.

It'll be interesting to see if this team tries to fast break more than most of our teams have. Will we be winning games scoring in the 50s and 60s again, or in the 70s and 80s this season? My bet is we still see the slower pace.
Obvious go to move is a tear drop in the lane which is why I brought up Tony Parker who ate defenses alive by quickly getting to the mid range for easy jump shots and in to the lane for easy tear drops using his speed and agility. Lykes should be able to successfully penetrate the defense and score or pass next season.
Obvious go to move is a tear drop in the lane which is why I brought up Tony Parker who ate defenses alive by quickly getting to the mid range for easy jump shots and in to the lane for easy tear drops using his speed and agility. Lykes should be able to successfully penetrate the defense and score or pass next season.

Tony Parker's go-to move is the triple in-and-out with the floater. With that being said, the Spurs were at their peak when Tony Parker is their 3rd option (at best) on the scoring wheel. The Admiral, Duncan, Ginobli, etc. were the first scoring options, Parker was the facilitator. That's my point exactly.

Lykes needs to be a facilitator, first and foremost, in order for Miami to reach it's optimal potential as a team. Truth be told, he's our best and quite possibly only option at the point in 2018.