Luke, dumbest person ever, says Finnie has been released

I swear, I feel like Waka Flocka reading 'The 48 Laws of Power' as I read Luke's tweets, *puts finger underneath sentence as I read* "Just canes fans know.....Finnie will get in...........a schools...our lining take that AL...dropped him"

I could give a rats *** what Uncle Luke says.
Kid is an idiot.

I thought he would have had a solid career here, probably would have started at least six games next season. **** shame.

Oh well, on to the next one. He's good, but his production is easily replaceable. Kid struggled at the end of the year anyway, and I'd rather see a kid who steals from supposed friends off the team than still on it Urban Meyer style.
LOL. The last time I agreed on anything with anything from Uncle Luke was when he put out Hey We want some P*(&$. Been all downhill from there.
Luke stole money from all the artists on his label (literally all of them) and now hes mr. Upstanding citizen thats all about black empowerment. GTFOH.
@unclulukereal1 Just so you canes fans know Finnie will get in a schools our lining up to take him now that AL dropped him.

That's not luke's twitter name by the way..




Uncle Puke is hot buttered garbage. Fugg that guy. He's a UM fan until UM does something he doesn't like. Then, he takes to the computer or the airwaves to shred UM. Uncle Puke is an Uncle Puke fan. That's all he cares about--his own lame agendas. Anyone who continued to support that clown after he threatened to bury UM with the NCAA if UM didn't start Ryan Collins at QB is a loser.

Sounds like your run of the mill Hurricanes message board poster.
So this puts us at 67 on scholarship at the moment by my count. 3 more spots open up and we can sign up to 21 kids.

It would put us at 66 if White is indeed off a football scholarship.

Not surprising the kid stole from teammates. That said I think Finnie is a decent player but was in danger of losing time, he struggled the last 2-3 games. Wish him gl and hope he learns from this huge mistake.

All of a sudden we only have 5 CBs on the team, 3 that have seen game action. Gunter, Howard, Crawford, Dortch, Hope.
I'm all in for one of Dave Chappelle's racial drafts, any race wanna take Luke off our hands?
If you want to help Finnie's family by looking for new schools all well and good, why go public? After all, Finnie did the dirt.