Louisville at Miami

Not our prettiest win, but a win is a win
Classic 'sandwich' let-down game (in this case, scheduled between Duke and UNC). Defense was bad, with Louisville shooting at almost a 60% clip all game long. You rarely win when a team shoots that well against you.

I'll take it -- we didn't need another Quad 4 loss. Three of our guys with 20+ scoring nights. Beverly has basically become our "bench." We're not getting much from anyone else. Joseph has struggled since ACC competition began in earnest. I keep hoping he'll return to his Nov/Dec form but ...
Also is the best team L has ever had from the line?
Yes, this is the best FT team under Coach L. We were at 76.8% coming into tonight and that will probably bump up to around 77% (haven't seen the exact percentage yet). The best under Coach L was 2020 where we were 75.9%.

The best FT shooting team we've had is the 2002 team with Salmons/Rice/Jones, where we were 4th in the country with FT shooting at 77.1%