Looking very good for a vaccine so we can enjoy sports

It’s more dangerous for some than others. If you were in a high mortality risk group, it wouldn’t be so crazy for you to feel the same way as some of the mask nuts.
Sorry RVA if you assumed I was calling people wearing masks nuts, I was not. I was referring to those that go out of there way to yell and try to intermediate weaker people for not, usually they yell at old men and women, but not people that might whoop their ***.
Sorry RVA if you assumed I was calling people wearing masks nuts, I was not. I was referring to those that go out of there way to yell and try to intermediate weaker people for not, usually they yell at old men and women, but not people that might whoop their ***.
Oh got ya. Yeah that’s crazy. I didn’t understand bc most of the people who are more at risk aren’t likely to be the ones looking to fight young muscular types. Lol
To **** with all the conspiracy theories and baby **** Vaginas in this bittch. I'm in the world of education and as soon as they tell me that vaccine is ready to launch, I'll have my pants down around my ankles with a red bullseye on my right *** cheek. Some of y'all need to get a grip and open your **** eyes. Modern medicine and technology have come a long way. Alot of the time drag is all about money. Just like every thing else in red tape. Take the **** shot and. I've on. Don't be a biitch
To **** with all the conspiracy theories and baby **** Vaginas in this bittch. I'm in the world of education and as soon as they tell me that vaccine is ready to launch, I'll have my pants down around my ankles with a red bullseye on my right *** cheek. Some of y'all need to get a grip and open your **** eyes. Modern medicine and technology have come a long way. Alot of the time drag is all about money. Just like every thing else in red tape. Take the **** shot and. I've on. Don't be a biitch
It's a shot in the arm. Don't be "that guy".
To **** with all the conspiracy theories and baby **** Vaginas in this bittch. I'm in the world of education and as soon as they tell me that vaccine is ready to launch, I'll have my pants down around my ankles with a red bullseye on my right *** cheek. Some of y'all need to get a grip and open your **** eyes. Modern medicine and technology have come a long way. Alot of the time drag is all about money. Just like every thing else in red tape. Take the **** shot and. I've on. Don't be a biitch
I guess NYSOM was never fully banished.
He knows that. He just likes to throw his pants down around his ankles and put a red bull’s-eye on his *** cheeks
First off, I appreciate your endorsement of my intelligence. And 2nd, I am offended by your innuendo. I have always been a fan of yours. Maybe I should elaborate further on my exaggeration.
Just in case you or any others on the board can't relate. I am a high school administrator and former special needs teacher at the high school level. My comment was in regards to the desperate degree my teachers and myself want to be able to bring our kids back to the classroom because of their need for support. The unfortunate truth is that our most needy kids do not have the supportive network at home to meet their needs. So for folks like me, any shot in the arm or *** that could potentially solve this problem is a God send.
Having said that, I forgive your low blow and I'm still a fan. Simply because you have common sense
First off, I appreciate your endorsement of my intelligence. And 2nd, I am offended by your innuendo. I have always been a fan of yours. Maybe I should elaborate further on my exaggeration.
Just in case you or any others on the board can't relate. I am a high school administrator and former special needs teacher at the high school level. My comment was in regards to the desperate degree my teachers and myself want to be able to bring our kids back to the classroom because of their need for support. The unfortunate truth is that our most needy kids do not have the supportive network at home to meet their needs. So for folks like me, any shot in the arm or *** that could potentially solve this problem is a God send.
Having said that, I forgive your low blow and I'm still a fan. Simply because you have common sense
Curious question...

I have a friend who is a School Board member in the Northeast. She told me they can't account for 16% of the previously registered students since all this started--by way of daily login tracking and assignment turn in--kiddos have just disappeared from the system (or so they think).

Are you experiencing something similar?

And the vicious cycle of broken education and poverty continues. Heartbreaking.
First off, I appreciate your endorsement of my intelligence. And 2nd, I am offended by your innuendo. I have always been a fan of yours. Maybe I should elaborate further on my exaggeration.
Just in case you or any others on the board can't relate. I am a high school administrator and former special needs teacher at the high school level. My comment was in regards to the desperate degree my teachers and myself want to be able to bring our kids back to the classroom because of their need for support. The unfortunate truth is that our most needy kids do not have the supportive network at home to meet their needs. So for folks like me, any shot in the arm or *** that could potentially solve this problem is a God send.
Having said that, I forgive your low blow and I'm still a fan. Simply because you have common sense

It is very hard to discern intent or attitude on a message board.

My post falls under the category of “busting balls”. Had I said this to you in person, it would have been over beer, with a wink and a smile, in jest. You know, guys busting balls, like we do....and sometimes having a little fun at someone else’s expense, but in a collegial and non-insulting way.

Maybe my post was too crude, and it’s not your style, but there was honestly no malicious nor slandering intent.

So, please I hope you accept my apologies. You sound like a serious person and it was not a serious post. Let me take this opportunity to commend your work and all the good that you do, as well as commend how you handled what was a seeming insult. You handled it much better than I would have were the shoe on the other foot.

Best of luck to you.
No one will be required to take it. Will be a personal choice. Probably, the ones most likely to take it will be immune compromised people and the elderly 65+.
I think people are ready for this **** to be over with and will take it. I normally don't take the flu vaccine but I'll take this and hope it allows us to get back to normal life.
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