for all the stupidity thats posted on this board, this is a very real moment in time that must be treated as such. America is changing and its at college athletics door step. Regardless of your political view point, this goes beyond legal verbiage. There is a lot of money at steak for everyone involved and the current administration supports unions. There will be zero political support for the current status quo. It's no coincidence that this happened in Illinois, our presidents home state. The NLRB will rule in favor of the students and it will become political capitol to turn young votes in the next election. This is about taking money from the wealthy and redistributing it. sorry to get political, but its real and its not going away. Football will survive. However, within a decade or maybe less, everything will become d2/d3 and there will a true pay for play minor leagues of some sort. This was all predicted long ago with the passing of title 9. This has been coming for 12 years and was almost a done deal under Clinton. It was not pursued by the Unions until it was sure to make it through the courts. This stuff doesn't happen overnight and surly wasn't decided on by an 18 year old college student. The unions had to agree to push the issue into court and now is the perfect time. Prepare for change because it is the only constant. FWIW the other cases involving likenesses, names, ™'s and money will not only break the system as we know it but it will rock the television companies, advertisers and licensing deals beyond anything we ever could have imagined.