Lol check this crooting update out

Davis to Auburn

Hood to Michigan

Rooks to Michigan

so far...
Whats up with Thad Franklin?

Ivins said staff picked up contact with Amari Daniels in recent weeks. Wasn't the sell to Franklin he was it for 2021?
The CB and LB always is ****ed up....yeah it is only the beginning but the staff is pretty notorious for not really having any Improvments in recruiting as the season goes on.
I’ll keep saying it need 2 backs. Keep recruiting multiple guys because Franklin is gonna play games again. If he bails you ignore his ***, this isn’t Francois all over again.
Whats up with Thad Franklin?

Ivins said staff picked up contact with Amari Daniels in recent weeks. Wasn't the sell to Franklin he was it for 2021?

He can’t be the only guy. What happens if Harris goes off and leaves? Also Burns could leave after this year too. Then you have 3 backs if you only take Franklin.
You Said landed, which means your referring to before da u? Correct?, prep career, high school, 7on7, rankings etc! Jury is still out because of injuries to steed and jennings! Huff is a linebacker can't change your stance to fit your narrative as of today huff is linebacker. So technically if huff hasn't played and steed and jennings hasn't played a full season. What you stated in your OP is yet to be determined!
Yeah bro yet are elite lb recruiting skillz we let Greene and hyppolite walk free
Somehow LCE and Gogeta knew how that story was going to end weeks before but our staff didn’t? That’s their fault for putting all of their eggs in a basket from Wakulla.
Because we follow this stuff and the different thought processes never change.
I get that... but they are getting paid to follow this stuff and figure out those thought processes. It is literally their job.
You’re right but some of these dudes get so worried about perception that they continue to recruit these kids. The last thing they need is for them to drop contact with SFL kids then have their coach yell to the end about how we didn’t “recruit” them and use it against us. That’s why I laugh when people get all worked up about putting a little more efforts somewhere else. All these kids know is bag chasing. Look how many times they switch schools! But “if we win they’ll come back” lol yea like Tennessee won? And then they hold staffs accountable for misses(which is technically correct) but want to take Nigel Bethel at the last minute instead of doing their home work and finding Isaiah Dunson.
You’re right but some of these dudes get so worried about perception that they continue to recruit these kids. The last thing they need is for them to drop contact with SFL kids then have their coach yell to the end about how we didn’t “recruit” them and use it against us. That’s why I laugh when people get all worked up about putting a little more efforts somewhere else. All these kids know is bag chasing. Look how many times they switch schools! But “if we win they’ll come back” lol yea like Tennessee won? And then they hold staffs accountable for misses(which is technically correct) but want to take Nigel Bethel at the last minute instead of doing their home work and finding Isaiah Dunson.
I get that these coaches are in a TOUGH situation. But there are also seemingly a ton of situations where we are somehow late or passive on the local kids too. That is inexcusable. We also seemingly always have a very small board, particularly on defense, that we only expand once we miss out on guys that (again) somehow guys like LCE and GoGeta knew were going elsewhere for weeks if not longer. We are definitely in a difficult position between a lack of success on the field, lack of guys drafted, and no SEC bags, but we also do some stupid **** and make it way tougher on ourselves than we need to.