Literally waking up now. What the **** happened?

So upset I went to bed shortly after half time. Their screen pass on 3rd and 15 that went for 50+ did it for me. Got up at 4am to make the baby a bottle and checked to see how bad we lost...couldn't go back to sleep. So upset I didn't stay up to watch...

The Florida game you could see the catharsis in Mario afterwards

Then seeing the refs do the right thing last week you’re right it feel like exorcising demons to me too
Need you to go EXERCISE that demon and apologize to Poptimus for the spoiler alert he tried to deliver to this great Canes naysh.
**** outta here with that ****

You’re not getting the point I was making so I’m not explaining it again for you dorks
Just need you to know that sometimes, the tea leaves are read differently and you must listen to the oracles that can understand them.

We've cast out true greats of the discourse because of the lack of true understanding.

I’m sure I’ll feel it later but same here. Wide awake and worth it
I'll pass out after Trevor Lawrence's 3rd INT and the Jags are down 28-7 to the Colts.

For now...
On 2 hours of sleep and my daughter (infant) slapped the **** out of my face to playfully wake me up.

At least I awoke and remembered a good result. The whole thing was surreal. As I said elsewhere, you can’t really imagine the sequence of events that had to happen for us to get into that hole. And, it’s even less realistic to imagine the sequence of events that got us out of the hole.

I need blood pressure meds, probably.