Dance Love GIF by ZDF Magazin Royale
Outside of OP, it’s the same anti-Ruiz people we’ve seen before.

After a while you start to see that it’s personal with a number of them.

Outside of OP, it’s the same anti-Ruiz people we’ve seen before.

After a while you start to see that it’s personal with a number of them.

Ask yourself the question, if Ruiz didn’t exist, would we still have a robust NIL program?

Most astute people would say yes.

But of course, we got our usual cast of characters, a handful, that want to **** on the guy, and wallow in their negative filth. Fine by me, let them. It just indicates the type of people they are, they’re probably negative about everything in their lives and a pain in the *** to be around. Believe me, I’ve fired enough of these type of people. They are usually poison to an organization.
Our fans seem to enjoy dwelling on nothing but negatives and then tying those negatives to the program
Why have rivals when you have arguably the most toxic fan base in the country. Such a pointless thread. Worst part is they play dumb as if this thread isn’t negative towards a business that feeds our program.
Hey, you are up almost 10% already, LOL.

Typically when I start complaining about a stock it skyrockets. So I've learned to whine and hold instead of complain and sell—trading lesson # 416.
I'm a value investor. Index funds, and good companies at a fair price. Speculative stonks are a tiny 1% of my portfolio combined.

But when I do buy really low like this, I intend to hold for a long time.
CIS is the only place where high level lawyers (every thread on here), hotel owners (the Michael Irvin thread), and now billionaire hedge fund guys reside. Smh.
Don’t forget the orthopedic surgeons we have on here. They’re the best in the biz, they can diagnose players injury through a television set or sometimes just a message board post.
That **** Rovell put out an article trashing LIFW and Ruiz the day of the final 4. What a cumbag.

Pat Forde too.

Pat Forde was the ******* who made a big deal out of The Seventh Floor Crew, and then ignored a near-identical story involving Michigan.