Let's Talk Jovani Haskins

To begin, did he get from under those charges? I didn't see enough film on him at TE to really make an assessment. Is he as athletic as they make him? Who on our roster does he compare to? Since he's a long strider is his speed deceptive? Or is he a Stud or JAG?

Athletic but not a freak, will most liely be afforded an opprtunity to redshirt and learn the nuances of the position. Played RB and QB for his HS. Hes a better TE prospect imo than irvin.

in no way is he a better TE prospect then Irvin

irvin has played in high comp and proven himself as a TE.

Jovani is basically just an athlete in a weak NJ league who has done nothing as a TE and is slower than Irvin. It looks like he's running in quicksand. he is getting run down by white kids who run a 5.0. he has show nothing as a TE to say he's D1.

Urban, is that really you slamming our guy so you can pick him up on the sly?

Discussing Haskins as a prospect is great but the most important thing to know right now is if he managed to get out from under those charges. What's the kid's legal status?
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Just because West Virginia wanted him doesn't make him any faster.