Just good fun to needle a prick that does nothing ,but use a bunch of facqit words.
I thought you were a UGA fan who came over with CMR. Did you say you were originally a Canes fan then stopped being one and then came back?
Some of both, the glory years was when Canes stepped off bus wearing camo with a bad attitude and teams were beat before game started. I moved and then Shlala and probation sorta killed the spirit, but man am fired up now with what's happening. I do still have Ga tickets, but can not stand Kirby's smart *** attitude and the McGoofy AD. Be glad when both gone.
LOL. This toilet brush comes on here an openly admits that he stopped being a Canes fan for several years and is back to being one now because we're better. And you dust mops treat him like he's a Canes fan. LOL.
He's not a canes fan, so fūck [MENTION=14065]Dawgcane[/MENTION] and his bisexual approach to canes fandom.
Blood in, blood out motherfūcker. Once you leave, you're dead. Gone and buried. There's no coming back.
Go spend the rest of the days in your miserable life sūcking dawg ****.
Even your screen name is an affront. Dawgcane? What's next? Nolecane? Gatorcane? Domercane?
GFY, and don't ever come back. You're not a Cane fan, you're a glory chasing bandwaggoner flavor-of-the-day fakkit. Eat dawg shīt and die.