LB Francisco Mauigoa picks Miami!

Let me tell u dis fellas. There are Samoans....and then there are what we call palagi toi Samoans🤣🤣🤣. All the current Samoan wrestlers are Palagi toi's lol. Its not their fault, but they weren't raised the traditional Samoan way. None of thess wrestlers know how to speak the language, and that includes the Rock lol. Francis and Cisco was raised the Samoan way. Walking to school wearing two left slippers and then wearing the same 2 shirts and shorts for one week. You wake up in the morning before school to do yard work. These boyz will def bring that blue collar nature, MC preaches. I think thats why Samoans/polys gravitate towards MC. He's authentic and preaches hard work. Lets faaahkkknnn gooooooo!!!!!
If y’all don’t want The Rock we’ll take him 😂 his father was a brotha, can’t get much more culturally hardworking than that combo.

..... I had to do it..... Isn't that what all of us wanna be now???? LMAO!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
I'm feelin' a bit Ucey right now.... LOL!!!
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And at the same time I just dated myself... LMAO!!!!
Quick OT story…My father used to run a big oil/Heating/AC company in New Jersey. They had a few gas stations and a hotel as well: just a bit of a side hustle.

He said these guys, The Iron Sheik, Volkoff, Snuka and a few others from that period would stop at the gas station and Sometimes get a room at the hotel. Said they were awesome people. All of them. Sheik was the only one that would get hot headed. But most just wanted to throw a few cold ones back and relax. Also witnessed Haku obliterate 2 guys in the blink of an eye for being rude. (Stories of him being the toughest real life person in wrestling history is apparently true). After he dropped them he completely turned the switch back and apologized to people for disrupting their night.
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is there a CiS rule to post pictures of wrestlers every time there is a thread about a Samoan player?