1. We hired a guy with a questionable reputation for developing and deploying big time offensive playmakers. Deserved or not, that was the chatter.
2. He then hired the biggest loser imaginable to quiet that narrative and run his offense. Not only did that not happen, but the offense was the most spectacular failure in every single capacity, the likes of which the most pessimistic human on earth could not have imagined.
3. The university resides in the most rotten, toxic, radioactive area you could ever dream up in terms of local “adults” doing anything and everything they can to push kids away from the local school. Where most areas have loyal fanbases and high school allegiances to their local college, and would rally around a disaster of a season in a collective push to rectify it, the people down here walk around with pulsating tumors on sticks ready to impale anything and anyone who might be remotely Pro-Miami football.
And here we are.