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To me it seems like the longer it goes the less chance he stays with miami. If he was going to stay committed then he should have came out and squashed all the talk of him flipping

Or maybe he just is waiting for NSD to sign the letter mail it in and make it official. Usually kids go on these visits and if their mind is changed they announce right away or shortly thereafter a flip. I think the longer this goes without a peep from him on a decision time or a flip the better the chance he just puts pen to paper for Miami tomorrow.
Well he was going to pick Tennessee Monday so I assume it's a good thing he hasn't said anything or we wouldn't even be in the hunt anymore. Yes, to the question about his "brother" this has nothing to do with Larry Scott. It's all about playing/living with his brother from what I gather. If he doesn't announce tonight then I think he ultimately sticks.
Just got more info and as I stated earlier the longer it goes the better for Miami. Tennessee coaches expected him to flip publicly yesterday. As we now know, that didn't happen. Don't be surprised if he does tweet his decision tonight that it is for Tennessee. Miami has a true battle on their hands to keep Byrd.

Dude loves aims that much? You not going to be together in the nfl. Byrd to old for this ****. You can't live together forever.
LOL at you buying this schtick.
the longer it goes the less interested i become. if the kid doesnt want to be cane, lets just move on. i get he can come in and contribute but when they are wishy washy like this they sometimes end up not being the best players on the field.
Well he was going to pick Tennessee Monday so I assume it's a good thing he hasn't said anything or we wouldn't even be in the hunt anymore. Yes, to the question about his "brother" this has nothing to do with Larry Scott. It's all about playing/living with his brother from what I gather. If he doesn't announce tonight then I think he ultimately sticks.

Very nice trolling
I wish I was trolling. My guy may be getting bad info but he is directly connected to current Tennessee staff and recruits.
the longer it goes the less interested i become. if the kid doesnt want to be cane, lets just move on. i get he can come in and contribute but when they are wishy washy like this they sometimes end up not being the best players on the field.

You think the coaches follow this line of thinking? Well he's wishy washy so let's just move on.


Most important recruit in this class.
the longer he waits, the more likely he will be on a college football team next year
Just got more info and as I stated earlier the longer it goes the better for Miami. Tennessee coaches expected him to flip publicly yesterday. As we now know, that didn't happen. Don't be surprised if he does tweet his decision tonight that it is for Tennessee. Miami has a true battle on their hands to keep Byrd.

I hear Byrd is still communicating with Miami, which the staff takes as a very good sign this close to signing day. There is talk that he's still legitimately undecided. Plus, he has not informed either staff of his decision. But it will end one day and he will play college football on Saturdays.
Hey Fils-Aime let your boy go where HE wants to...not where you want to.
According to 247 he is announcing tonight via twitter. If not, He will announce at his school's ceremony at 7:30 AM
Just got more info and as I stated earlier the longer it goes the better for Miami. Tennessee coaches expected him to flip publicly yesterday. As we now know, that didn't happen. Don't be surprised if he does tweet his decision tonight that it is for Tennessee. Miami has a true battle on their hands to keep Byrd.

Dude loves aims that much? You not going to be together in the nfl. Byrd to old for this ****. You can't live together forever.
LOL at you buying this schtick.
It doesn't even make sense. He says Tennessee coaches expected him to flip yesterday. So Byrd blows them off, but now we should expect that he'll announce for them tonight. If he was going to announce for Tennessee why wouldn't he have done it yesterday like this "insider" claims the Tennessee coaches were expecting?

Felicia's getting in on the action... and there's no motivation like the questioning of your word
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