Lashlee to SMU Done

What are you whining about? Lash got a midmajor job, He doesn't have an ex mayor as a father, so he isn't coming back.
My thought process at the moment was, "who's going to run the offense while ****boy is still the HC. But viewing some recent posts it's a good thing that everyone finds a place to go while manure is shown the exit door.

And @Canedude08, I wasn't whining....... I was stressing with comfort and style, there's a difference! ;)
Hey - someone go tell Epstein & Manny Navarro to go suck a bag of d*cks

greece looks GIF
I'd strongly disagree there. If you're saying van dyke is his ideal QB are you also saying he prefers to throw nothing but the deep ball as a strength? Tvd throws a beautiful deep ball but has ALOT of room for growth on basically everything else... Lashlee is a power run guy who insists on tempo. He's doing everything completely out of his wheel house right now.
Some people are forgetting the 3 straight runs and running on third and 8 plus in the beginning of the season. Won’t even get into the 3rd/4th and 1 play calls

SMU hired someone they were familiar with sounds kinda like what we did with Manny. With that said if we are losing position coaches to SMU without promotions it means manny is done.
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Good for him. I think he's a very good OC. I also think we can replace him. Just hope it doesn't mess up TVD and Garcia in any way.

Lock down the right AD and HC, and we'll get the coordinators we need.
By and good luck in short yardage from here on out. Like the guys passion, but he leaves a lot to be desired. None of us are perfect, so good luck!
Likens and Justice are aspiring OCs and Likens has even served as OC before, but the Canes offensive coaches know that CMD definitely won’t return next season so they are following Lashlee.