Larry Blustein - 2014 Top 75 Prs Spring List - South Fla.

Oh and lulz at darling being at number Larry blustein anti UM too, or are the thirty in front really THAT good?
Oh and lulz at darling being at number Larry blustein anti UM too, or are the thirty in front really THAT good?

I would have ranked them

1) Dalvin Cook
2) Sony Michel
3) Ermon Lane
4) Khairi Clark
5) Chad Thomas
6) Trevor Darling
we beat Florida and FSU this year & get 10+ wins, and things will follow into place with recruiting
If we win we will get whoever we want. Even the BTW kids.

Other top programs like Bama, UGA, USC, etc can pull in two stud RBs in the same class so we can too. Stop with the inferiority complex.

If we win these top kids will be BEGGING to come here.

Also...we need this NCAA mess done with ASAP because that's negatively effecting us as well.
Larry definitely is sipping on something when he compiled this list. To have Darling ranked as the 30th best player is inexcusable
If we win we will get whoever we want. Even the BTW kids.

Other top programs like Bama, UGA, USC, etc can pull in two stud RBs in the same class so we can too. Stop with the inferiority complex.

If we win these top kids will be BEGGING to come here.

Also...we need this NCAA mess done with ASAP because that's negatively effecting us as well.

I'll believe it when I see it. It's rare that two top 10 backs go to the same school same year........especially in SFL. I hope you're correct, however, I fear you're not.
If we win we will get whoever we want. Even the BTW kids.

Other top programs like Bama, UGA, USC, etc can pull in two stud RBs in the same class so we can too. Stop with the inferiority complex.

If we win these top kids will be BEGGING to come here.

Also...we need this NCAA mess done with ASAP because that's negatively effecting us as well.

I'll believe it when I see it. It's rare that two top 10 backs go to the same school same year........especially in SFL. I hope you're correct, however, I fear you're not.

This is a very rational approach. There is talk that Cook is looking to transfer schools because he doesnt want to share carries where he is now. Both of these kids want to be showcase backs, and as it is, coming here, they would be backing up Duke. I have a very hard time seeing them BOTH signing and splitting carries and the limelight with eachother. I suppose anything is possible, and I would do back flips if we land both, but I think getting one would be great, and about as much as we can hope for.
about treon and patton, they dont fit as type of players golden wants at their positions, patton is 5 9 to 5 10, golden likes taller corners, and i dont think he likes dual threat QBs

Davis, Hope, Howard, Finnie, Dortch were all around 5'10", 5'11" when they signed.

Excellent point. Cant believe we are arguing about small corners again after the Shannon era bullsh*t.
why don't people think we get lane?
c'mon. i think he has a better chance of coming here than going anywhere else.

He does, people are just still gunshy after the Thomas thing. I get it, but it is losing the forest for the trees.


Alabama is on his list but he is still very high on us so i don't c why u are counting us out with literally a whole year left in the recruiting cycle!

"At this point"

IMO Darling is so low because OL are just tougher to evaluate and he's huge. Tough to separate whether he is dominating due to skill or just because he's bigger than everybody else.
IMO Darling is so low because OL are just tougher to evaluate and he's huge. Tough to separate whether he is dominating due to skill or just because he's bigger than everybody else.

This is a very good point. OL recruiting is extremely hard to gauge and the area where most star rankings are the most worthless. Its very hard to evaluate OL in High schoo since many of them are going to put on a lot more weight and size, and in High School, a kid can be a dominating OL just with size alone, which wont do much for him once he gets to college.
We need to offer Quincy Wilson. He's up to 27 offers now and still nothing from UM.

but he IS on twitter b!tching about how he doesn't have a miami offer.

He'll get an offer and then say he likes us and we're in his top 10 but is not happy he didn't get the offer when he was born and that we have a lot of room to make up.

Yeah, if he's *****ing about not having an offer, he better be ******* serious about committing here.