I don't disagree in general, but the main difference here was that Dewan was one of only a few players that get into that 50-50 mode with a year or more left. Do they go pro or not? 50-50 chance the market for a draft will look rewarding. NCAA won't even allow certain contact with agents, agent-wannabes, or anyone that can professionally advise someone like Dewan what route is best, what the draft outlook is, etc. Eligibility is yanked.
So they are ripe for agent-types and their minions that want to get a new commission-earning pro client sooner or later, and try to grease the wheels to further that. It's not the same as sneaker or boosters money to get someone to choose a program (college) its just a few hundred or thousand here or there to tide the player over and whet his appetite, and some perks that pale in comparison to the big bags for signing with a school.
There's little doubt Dewan and his "crew" had contacts with Dawkins or his stooges, didn't report it, and seems to have probably accepted a few small potato perks and maybe "entertained" some ongoing relationship with a future-agent deal. The real problem is the catch-22 no-win position a Dewan-50-50-type is placed in by dumb NCAA rules. I sympathize with someone in Dewan's position; whether he got over-punished by Miami-hating admins is another issue.