Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

Lane just wants a job in a state with nice weather again haha

He was probably so mad he couldn’t get the Miami job
Norvell has cooled his own seat for now but I actually thought Kiffin would've been a great fit in Tally. Have some success there and then he's rumored for the Bucs job in their post-Brady era.
Lane should go get that Arizona Cardinals job.. seems like a great fit.
Was just about to say this. Lane wants back in the NFL and the pieces to have some success with that team are there. He's adapted his offense well to whatever personnel hes had at Ole ****. We'll see.
Don't care about Lane or Auburn or Ole Miss. Never have. Never will. Weird thread
These takes are so weird. Some of us enjoy the sport that is College Football. This is potentially a big move that somewhat alters the landscape of college football, especially in the SEC. Which is a conference that we may join at some point in the future.

Not only that but Lane has ties to SFL players and has been in direct competition for these kids since he's been at Ole Miss.
Norvell has cooled his own seat for now but I actually thought Kiffin would've been a great fit in Tally. Have some success there and then he's rumored for the Bucs job in their post-Brady era.
Exactly I'm not leaving a top 15 team to go to a rebuild program that has to deal with a in state Saban
Only one problem. Ole Miss is just as close to Tuscaloosa as Auburn. Also, Auburn pays better. Oh, and Auburn wants a coach that can go toe to toe with Saban. AND, Saban isn't getting any younger, while Kiffen has a lot of tread left on his tires. I think he's a perfect fit for Miami. I mean, Auburn.
Didnt Tubberville leave Ole **** for Auburn too? I like Lane going right where he is going to have to fight Saban on and off the field. He's not going to pull a Meyer and scamper off to the Big 10
Lane would do really well in the Big 10
If the money is right. No matter how toxic Auburn may be, take the job. They are overpaying everyone just to compete with Alabama. Win/Win situation.
These takes are so weird. Some of us enjoy the sport that is College Football. This is potentially a big move that somewhat alters the landscape of college football, especially in the SEC. Which is a conference that we may join at some point in the future.

Not only that but Lane has ties to SFL players and has been in direct competition for these kids since he's been at Ole Miss.
Wow, that's a stretch.
Well, at one point they were saying $100 million / 10 years
In these inflationary times, Lane needs to start at no less than $10 million and escalate over the course of the 10 years. Auburn is one of the places that would willingly write a blank check. If they're really desperate, Lane needs to get a buyout clause like the A&M geniuses gave Jimbo.