(Landon Ibieta is...) Looking like the goods!

One thing this staff has done a great job with this year, when we are heavily recruiting out of state, is getting the families on board with these commitments.

It seems like we have everybody on board. Fegans had his whole **** family here for his commitment, Rogers was here with his parents 3 times in a month, Ibeata’s dad says they are shutting it down, Horton’s coach loves Manny.

Whatever it is, I feel like they are approaching this the right way and these commits appear really solid.
I was saying in the other thread where someone asked if we changed recruiting strategy, alot of these these out if state kids have mad respect for us. Alot more than some kids from down here. We would do well to find and keep recruiting talented out of state kids until we can rebuild our reputation on the trail and on the field. Where we get back to having high rated kids eager to commit and not talking bout waiting to see what we do then high tailing on signing day.
We a dying breed in baseball lol

Yo dead *** though...why is it when someones white/black they black...when they are white/Latino they are Latino. Lol it's so weird
Sometimes. Like I would say Derek Jeter is white for example. Then I would say Blake Griffin is black. You’re right, it makes no sense at all.

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