Who gets to keep all of Jonathan's frequent mileage points for constantly flying back and forth to Oregon? Did he have to turn them in to the university or did he get to keep them? Should be required to turn them in. The Richt's are already rich. Mark has millions in the bank, I'm sure.
Is it true his wife was on salary as water manager?
WTF is this business with a hydration specialist anyway? Back in the day teams had a waterboy or water girl and that was it. Used to be the boy was a who got to hang around with the cool guys, the jocks. If it was a girl, she was usually plump and homely but she would never get a date with a cool guy, a jock. Those dates were reserved for the cheerleaders, the female cheerleaders. Nowadays, it might be the male cheerleaders, you never know.
In my day, a homo player was unknown. No Aaron Hernandez. Only player I ever heard about was Jackie Smith in the pros
Not saying anything negative, but back in my day you didn't undress and shower with **** in the locker room. My generation would've been highly uncomfortable. Of course having women in the locker room, same issue.