Ladies and Gentlemen

I also like how the gatuh has taken themselves completely out of south florida for whatever reason. Outside of slight interest from Alex Collins, they are pretty much a non factor.

I also like how the gatuh has taken themselves completely out of south florida for whatever reason. Outside of slight interest from Alex Collins, they are pretty much a non factor.

Yup. In time I think we will see more of them once Muschamp gets his face out there more but we will see less of FSU. They will always try but they have wisely chosen this year to make their move. Gonna blow up in their face though.
This man is a ruthless killer assassin. He has no mercy for the seminole or gator.

I also like how the gatuh has taken themselves completely out of south florida for whatever reason. Outside of slight interest from Alex Collins, they are pretty much a non factor.

Yup. In time I think we will see more of them once Muschamp gets his face out there more but we will see less of FSU. They will always try but they have wisely chosen this year to make their move. Gonna blow up in their face though.

There's a really high chance they end up with a Randy Shannon-Type class after failing on all their big targets. Gonna be a bunch of backup plans for them.
Not going to the bowl helped us out a lot, these kids can't say no to the tie.

I wanted to resist the bowl ban, mostly out of emotion and not wanting to give in to the NCAA again, but there is no doubt it has helped us right now and in the future.

Completely agree with this, we were going to some terrible bowl anyway, now Golden can focus attention to closing on another big time class and get started on the 2014 class.

Well, honestly............based on how FSU looked against Ga Tech, we would be going to the Orange Bowl.
I also like how the gatuh has taken themselves completely out of south florida for whatever reason. Outside of slight interest from Alex Collins, they are pretty much a non factor.

Yup. In time I think we will see more of them once Muschamp gets his face out there more but we will see less of FSU. They will always try but they have wisely chosen this year to make their move. Gonna blow up in their face though.


This is their last best shot for a South Florida coup. Going head up for FIVE South Florida studs is bold. They may just end up with half of all the package deals they been passing out like Halloween candy.
Right now our class is pretty bare bones. The core of what will make our class a success will come down to a UM/FSU recruiting battle. If we sweep the undecideds listed in the OP, our class will be great and FSU's will be weak and vice versa. They really have put all of their eggs in the South Florida basket for this cycle. It is obnoxious and I cannot wait to see them fail!